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For now he is. These things take time to process. They boil up, then we are all "shocked and horrified" but the next happening comes along and we'll go even further.

Milestones at a time right now. Gotta understand as emboldened as we probably are right now there's still 70% of America who are clinging to the hopes that things go back to normal

Nah referring to everything you disagree with and blaming qanon is why it gained so much traction in the first place.

I'm surprised this is happening tbh

It's not constructive criticism

It's just criticism

No I just think you're not providing anything and having a wank on your own moral superiority lol

This isn't edgelords-r-us. People have real concerns about where things are going. It's fine to be irritated but it's better to lead than just tell everyone they're a hypocryte or dumb

I think you make valid points tbh even if it is heavily edged

But you either gotta be constructive if you really want some change or just become funnier. Provide something

Buddy acting like you know better than the rest is close enough to moral superiority that what you're doing is hypocritical either way. You're engaging in mental laziness if you see no way of being constructive

What is your goal of being here? To have a place to become bitter? To grift when the time is right?

I'm not saying don't call people out. But just add something or find a better use for your energy

A fine strategy tbh

They instill great starting values but some churches can corrupt just as easily

Because the truly lost need religion most and will cling to the next thing without it

I would argue community is the most important part of going to a church or of practicing a person's faith. But those communities can be tight knit and make some feel as outsiders or project hypocrisy. Religion is not the only ingredient to redpilling.

And I agree with you. Honestly I do, I just don't think it's the whole pie.

It seriously isn't going to take long. It was just a big day yesterday and everyone takes a break

Which is where exactly?

Make it a shower beer

I just want it to be worth something if I'm going to jail. Even if it's a small win.

Man you just radiate energy with that superman pic

Well don't keep us waiting now

I don't hate the idea of registering indy

I'm concerned about pushing a third party. My hopes is we can primary the cocksuckers

Reform the party.

Primaries and local senate/reps it does count

They can't rig every state

Some have decent state govt

It's not going to happen over night. This will be a process. Milestones will have to be met. In the meantime while we don't have the resources and public opinion on our side it's necessary to look at all avenues

I saw an afadavit. Kinda looked fake

I'll share in shitpost

Dedicated LARP if it is. I'll give it that

Between the phone call and whoever typed this out

I'm of the mindset to be there if the time comes. But we want to win this in totality and right now we're fighting an information and social warfare imo. I would be surprised if that was enough at the end of the day but the media and politicians are making such asses of themselves that they'll end up redpilling more people than we ever could. Gotta act in a way they can't slander us with. Yesterday was a good example. I think it's important that they got inside but it was sloppy and the one's leading the charge were suspiciously easy examples to slander

I'd say right after midterms at the latest

This is correct just to give second conformation

Exactly. Hell he may be making conjugal visits to the oval office and guiding Biden's hand but he'll be behind scenes. Plus I think even Obama didn't orchestrate most of what he did imo

Idk man. That's giving too much credit to average Americans lol. I do think it's possible Trump won popular vote.

But saying he won and telling people it's rigged won't work in swaying anyone anymore. It's important to point out all the suspicious shit and the complete wall of resistance for any sort of election integrity however.

I'll vote for you on that statement alone

Absolutely. He's too important a tool. Great orator. A perfect politician

This guy's clothes are way too clean and unworn to be flying a confederate flag.

We live in a very short news cycle. People will forget quickly. Just look at Kenosha and how nobody talks about it hardly.

Yeah we'll have to give it a few days for everything to die down to know if Trump plans to just go off into the night. I highly highly doubt that happens. But he'll need to speak to his base and earn some trust back after this vid

I think he's just a bit too boomer

I missed it. What happened

Same. Honestly half of my drive after the election was shitposting my friend who's a die hard delusional lib about it.

He gave me hell for 4 years and I started the day he thought Biden won

Can't be quiet about what we support anymore. No "hidden Trump vote" or the equivelance now that he's gone.

Solar winds "hacking *VICTIM*"

It's honestly hilarious that they elected Joe because he is undefendable with his long record in politics and blatant evidence of corruption

Of all people. Even Kamala has a joke of a record, evident pandering, the plagiarized MLK playboy story, the Hillary esque robotic unhuman body language

I've got a feeling that is exactly what'll happen. That or they will 25th him

The man broke his fucking foot by tugging on his dog's weiner while but naked

How tf is this geriatric mfer gonna lead anything

He couldn't even make it to inauguration to show his "unfit to lead" card

<a:RIGGED:682583480646893580> <a:RIGGED:682583480646893580> <a:RIGGED:682583480646893580>

Def interesting but it's only been a short time. After election day he disappeared for a short period and people got antsy then too. The difference here is he wasn't banned from all social media. I'd probably be too pissed to tweet after they banned me. But Trump is of a different ilk so who knows.

The whole him disappearing after his speech is kind of wild except they were already forcing a way into the capitol and hiding Pence so they likely secret serviced Trump then.

Yeah, Trump wasn't a perfect man, but it did appear he did his best and went beyond almost anyone in his position would do for those that voted for him. I never expected him to give them as much shit as he did till the end and his vid yesterday didn't change my view. I mean they were and still are ready to hang the man. He's a multibillionaire and still has a family he likely wants to avoid completely ruining their lives. The smartest thing in his position would always be to have a strategic retreat right now. Even if he completely bowed out for the rest of his life he still played a vital role and went further than the vast majority of sane people would. Openly criticizing and taking on multiple acronym agencies usually gets you killed.

I keep comparing it to the Boston Massacre level of tension. Not quite as Hellish overreach by govt. They played it somewhat smart surprisingly in their handling of the "Insurrectionists"

The guy is fearless. Never ceases to amaze me.

If he's got his weight behind it and it's not some grassroots crap, yes I likely will. I wanna win dammit. I don't want to split a party though without it for sure destroying the GOP and becoming the new one.

I believe there's enough momentum in hating the current GOP to primary out the commies.

Like I said though, if Trump is putting his skills behind the third party I could believe in that actually working

Fuck it man. Learn their tactics. By the time you come back you'll be on the latter end of the midterms

I couldn't decide what would be better in his case but they don't want him there at this point. I thought maybe he could go and put on a show but it might be better for him to put on his own show during the boring inauguration

"Six strokes of the cane"

Unless they're good at being insane <:think:622613796422418462>

Infiltrate and educate

Farmers and workers. The literal foundation of society

You can always challenge and keep a reasonable manner. Be well informed and explain thoroughly. Try to be objective and give on certain issues. She'll either agree with you on some issues or become irrational and then it'll cause others to question either way

And are constantly reminded by their neighbors

Idk man. This is just day two. Most people I talk to seem to be of the consensus that it's blown out of proportion and hasn't really shaken anyone's faith

The liberals always have the first say

Because they work on reaction and first impression tactics

Dunno if this has been posted already but this is them opening doors, not the gates, and just letting them into the capitol building

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