Obama Garmfield

Discord ID: 369887013123653642

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What is going on lol

Today is christmas for me

Chilling with family and listening to music

Life is good

I hope yours is good too :D

That's not very God like of you

Very hateful

They dont though lol

Ah I see, your sourcing the scripture which was changed in the 20s to make gays seem unholy

Very common misinfo

I get it man

I used to beleive that too

Until I realised that it wasnt originally like that

Ok so this proves that you dont want to engage in my rebuttal to your argument so it's clear that this isnt gonna go anywhere

Idk how to help you now lol

Have fun not wanting to engage in my arguments

I mean I dont fuck animals, that's gross

I fuck people

But ok I guess lol

I just like having a persona in animal form

And if they are anthro and of human intelligence, than sexual intercourse isnt an issue

Because they can consent

But human intelligence anthro can

Not very picky about it tbh

I text fast

But I should take it into consideration so I can come across more intelligent and well spoken

So thank you for the pointing out of my mistake

@๊’Œะงะธะบะฐ ะ’ะตั™ะฐ๊’Œ what makes it any less credible, they are Muslim, that has no effect on how true it is

You just have a racial bias

Idk how to fix that

All humans are valuable and precious

@clover I mean while they have committed horrible crimes and sins, I dont think they arent still human, they are deeply disturbed and need help

@clover lol that's my mistake

@clover punishment dosent do anything, just makes them scared to get help

It's better to help them overcome their issues than just beat them and make them hateful towards others

If you kill them you are taking the life of a potential recovery

@clover I never said freely

I beleive that they should have restrictions, just that they dont need to go to jail, they need to go to a mental hospital and get help

But nice try

God wouldnt want that

God would want them to atone in front of him and would forgive them

If they reject God, then they go to hell

That's what I said lol

Again, these people are mentally ill

Dong need to eother

You dont need to read the bible to be religious

Why did I even join this

This shit makes me so stressed out lol

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