walter mondale

Discord ID: 582377936578019328

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1. yes
2. an invite from a united states of america roleplay
3. no except for making animal cruelty a jailable offense
4. yes
5. no

did my roles add on



imagine being a homophobic "person"

homophobes aren't valid people in my opinion

they should be recognized as sheep who watch newsmax every day

homophobes don't have valid opinions, debate me

gender is a social construct, there are 3 sexes

male, female, intersex

you learn biology

get the fuck off this server you middle school dropout

how is caring about basic human rights so bad

gender is a social construct

there is no genders

sexes and race are also social constructs

i regret joining

i want to stay to bash homophobes

gender and sex are both social construct

i'm going to bash your skulls in a blender if i find you

everyone who wants to bash @Aran's skull react to this message

you were already wasting your time by being a cunt

how about just don't type it at all you fascists

i'm no longer a proud patriot btw

atleast we didn't drop out of school by grade 5

we are the only people who ACTUALLY understand it

you aren't a valid person just admit it

we know there are more than 2 genders

you have only 1 functioning braincell, maybe 2

can an admit kick all homophobes

i also used it as a joke, but i'm tired of not using it unironically


no, all people with an iq above 3 agree with me

i want to use your head as a volleyball

i will crush your head in a blender and make you bleed

this isn't fucking ok

btw i might actually do it

if i had the power i will shoot all you fascist peices of shit with an ak

i'm going to make you red

i am pro-gun control but when it comes to homophobes <:emoji_94:771478128508928020>

ok, well i might get hacks

hacks achieving your ip adresses

imagine being a fucking fascist

homophobes deserve to be executed

i think it's ok to kill homophobes

nothing you can do will change that

if they want to kill us so badly than why can't we kill themback

we NEED to outlaw most if not all religions

yes, nothing you can do is hoing to change my meine

religious people tend to be the scum of the earth

yep. outlaw all semetic or abrahamic religions

imagine being a homophobe

you are definetly closeted

communism in north korea may be bad but atleast they ban bibles

imagine saying you don't hate gays

thats a complete lie

no, but you know you hate gays and now your lying about liking gays

you are maybe more closeted than mike pence

i wouldn't care less if 50% of straights were sent to concentration camps

only straight allys deserve rights

btw this is my serious belief

homophobes are invalid

homophobes are invalid

homophobes are invalid

homophobes are invalidhomophobes are invalid

homophobes are invalid

homophobes are invalid

homophobes are invalid

homophobes are invalid

homophobes are invalid

homophobes are invalid

homophobes are invalid

homophobes are invalid

homophobes are invalid

homophobes are invalid

homophobes are invalid

homophobes are invalid

homophobes are invalid

homophobes are invalid

homophobes are invalid

homophobes are invalid

h says we can mute him

he needed that demote

ok, but homophobes still aren't valid

if your homophobic, racist, transphobic, or basically practice any form of hate speech, shut the fuck up

kill yourself or i will kill you

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