Discord ID: 786621696333053993

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Very interesting


I dont know any of the parties in roles, which one is the monarchist one?

I am racist towards gypsies and arabs


Wow you guys are fact

No, different subspecies would be a Frenchman and a pole, a black and a white are a different species

I've seen like 2 blacks the last year so I dont have an opinion tbh

siegetrap, send feet

Send booba


Tbh hitler and Pinochet were right about communism

I posted that earlier

Democracy is gay

Democracy is for Yankees and greeks

Based democrats wtf

I dont know those parties @Carson

I'm from central Europe

@Carson america is gay I dont want to go there

America gay

Depends how far they are from me


Rape rape rape

Rape rape rape


Ape rape with no escape

I'm glad stalin is burning in hell

Eww stalinism

Imagine being a pacifist

Not as bad as stalinist tbh

Imagine being a capitalist

Stalinists destoryed my city and region I hate them more than anything @Prime Minster John

I'm a monarchist

Stalin's regime ruined my family @Prime Minster John

Breslau, Kattowitz, myslowitz and Hindenburg @Prime Minster John

I'm from breslau but my family lived in Katowitz, myslowitz and Hindenburg before the war @Prime Minster John

Doesnt mean you should have went on a scorch earth tactic on a region that only specializes in mining @Prime Minster John

In the last months of the war

Based my great uncle killed a couple of russian guards when he was stuck in east germany and tried to move to west Germany @โ˜ชChadโ˜ช

Stalin is in gell and that's good

Death to all communists

Hanf these fuckers from trees

I also dislike fascism

Not if we hang you first

How's socialism different to stalinism?

I'm 182 cm

American "men"

American "people"

I knew a 15 year old who was 210 @Unholy Martyrs

I guess the 2 wars set as back hight wise

My grandfather was 200cm

So like 6'6

@Chinmay I'm going to need some sources king

Some quotations


Big if true

Satanists, pagans, atheists all same breed of retards @Unholy Martyrs

And in northern Europe

Your point?

And Constantine the great who was one of the greatest Christians of all times killed pagans, your point?

Through marriage?

I mean that's how poland and czechia were converted

Their monarchs simply married Christians

And their wifes converted them to Catholicism

Wait are you an orthodox? @kayak

Wait you weren't baptized at birth? @kayak

I was baptized when I was a couple of months old kek

Ahh we dont even have baseball


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