Leat Fingies

Discord ID: 679860551953809410

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i think advocating for violnce and hate speech is fine for it be infringed

i think it may be good idea but to call them guardians is stupid

the next frontier is space

but it shouldn’t be our top priority

holy shit

we have given 40,000 dollars to businesses

we can stop bailing out wallstreear and send it to people

Discrimination was pervasive throughout the entire sample, yet the combination of anti-transgender bias and persistent, structural racism was especially devastating. People of color in general fare worse than white participants across the board, with African American transgender respondents faring worse than all others in many areas examined.

Respondents lived in extreme poverty. Our sample was nearly four times more likely to have a household income of less than $10,000/year compared to the general population.

A staggering 41% of respondents reported attempting suicide compared to 1.6% of the general population,2with rates rising for those who lost a job due to bias (55%), were harassed/bullied in school (51%), had low household income, or were the victim of physical assault (61%) or sexual assault (64%).

Those who expressed a transgender identity or gender non-conformity while in grades K-12 reported alarming rates of harassment (78%),physical assault (35%) and sexual violence (12%); harassment was so severe that it led almost one-sixth (15%) to leave a school in K-12 settings or in higher education

Widespread mistreatment at work: Ninety percent (90%) of those surveyed reported experiencing harassment, mistreatment or discrimination on the job or took actions like hiding who they are to avoid it.

19% reported having been refused a home or apartment and 11% reported being evicted because of their gender identity/expression.

Almost 2% of respondents were currently homeless, which is almost twice the rate of the general population (1%).

Respondents reported less than half the national rate of home ownership: 32% reported owning their home compared to 67% of the general population.

Fifty-three percent (53%) of respondents reported being verbally harassed or disrespected in a place of public accommodation, including hotels, restaurants, buses, airports and government agencies.

Respondents experienced widespread abuse in the public sector, and were often abused at the hands of “helping” professionals and government officials. One fifth (22%) were denied equal treatment by a government agency or official; 29% reported police harassment or disrespect; and 12% had been denied equal treatment or harassed by judges or court officials.

bruh korwea has shifted

he said theres wasnt external factors now hes saying there are

“Suicidal behaviors in LGBT populations appear to be related to “minority stress”, which stems from the cultural and social prejudice attached to minority sexual orientation and gender identity. This stress includes individual experiences of prejudice or discrimination, such as family rejection, harassment, bullying, violence, and victimization. Increasingly recognized as an aspect of minority stress is “institutional discrimination” resulting from laws and public policies that create inequities or omit LGBT people from benefits and protections afforded others. Individual and institutional discrimination have been found to be associated with social isolation, low self-esteem, negative sexual/gender identity, and depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders. These negative outcomes, rather than minority sexual orientation or gender identity per se, appear to be the key risk factors for LGBT suicidal ideation and behavior.”

jesus christ

guy just went full nazi

guy just lost all credibility

if they come through illegally they’re technically illegal but the person themselves aren’t illegal

Utility of theory and conventional economics assumes that utility is scalar. In fact, human values cannot be described by a single scalar quantity. Values and utility are vector quantities having multiple roughly orthogonal components. Thus capitalism is at odds with real human values.

basic tenets of marxism:
modern work causes alienation under capitalism
The worker needs to see themselves in the work that they have created. Modern work doesn’t fulfill this. Marxism let’s you fulfill what you see yourself as most enjoying and what you think will be most beneficial to society.

modern work is insecure. It makes the worker expendable and can be replaced at any time

workers get paid little while capitalists get rich. Owners shrink the wages of the laborers to extract as much profit from the workers. Profit is theft and what you’re stealing so the talent and hard work of your workers. Profit is another word for theft.

Capitalism is very unstable. Bust and boom, the system is characterized by a system of crises. We’re able to produce too much, and that causes these crises. We don’t need to work much because we reduce so much.

Capitalism is bad for capitalists. Marriage is an extension of business and people stick together for financial reasons


bad because they have the goal of mass genocide

genocide of lgbtq and minorities m

“the day of the rope”

that’s still bad lol

nazis are always pathetic people aswell

they just spread hate

or pC

it’s real and we should be stricter about it and supply stimulus

it’s caused the death of 320,000 americans and if we did absolutely nothing it was expected to cause around 1 million deaths

it’s not blown out of proportion this is dangerous

and the people that recover have experienced long lasting chronic illness

why do you get so mad when you debate people?

also the reason there wasn’t too many deaths was because we locked down

we predicted it would be around 1 million people dead if we didn’t do anything

so we don’t shut down because it doesn’t cause as many deaths as cars?

or anything else?

that litteraly is the stupidest argeument ever

i could argue that rape isn’t bad because it only affects 1% of people

or i could argue that murder isn’t bad because it didn’t affect a lot of people

but it’s still and can you agree with that?

that rape and murder and death is and

just answer the question

that’s the argeument i’ll use it to deconstruct your argument

what am i trying to say?

i can’t right now

i’m in my car

i don’t own you a reason

what do you think i’m trying to say?

ok argueing your arguement of why it’s not a big deal

that’s what i was doing

i was saying that using your logic all these awful things could be consider “not big deals” because they dont affect many people

i’m done all you do is argue semantics and shit.

i have better things to do

i’m in a road trip

and i don’t want to debate

jesus christ

go outside

hot cheetos

i’m in vc

i can’t talk i’ll just listen

north korea

i think it’s stupid to expect the average person to come up with an idea and apply to every situation




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