Sergeant Arch Dornan

Discord ID: 606250849014120458

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Who wants to raid some degenerates

I found a server I was banned in

There a bunch of faggots

Raid them

All I said was gypsy crusader was right and they banned me
For freedom speech

Spam gypsy is right


Thank you

Now get everyone else here to

Make sure to spread the link to everyone you know

We need the server wiped out

Its filled with degenerates

My inside man in the server sent me your pictures in the general chat
Good work I must say

Good work everyone

Spread the link tho


Where is this faggot located and what servers
I'm a very good liar and can get any server taken out
One time I gained a furry servers trust became permanent owner and fucking deleted the whole server took me 5 months of trust

Wait do have the tag number

U could just add it

I know I hate faggots but I cant watch that sorta gore

It actually makes me sick


Like puke sick

You ppl are into some deep shit
You see I'm just a racist troll


I ain't gay

I just cant look at gore

Makes me puke

I am awake

Its 4am

I'm white as fuck

I hate niggers and jews and furries to
I just cant look at no gore sorry



I ain't Into no cult

I can look at some gore
But like gore where u literally chop shit off or cut yourself open nah

Makes my stomach sick
I ain't no pussy either I ain't scared of nothin its just gore ok

What's wrong with the vid?

I dont understand normal cat?


Fuck off

I ain't no pussy

Especially animal killing is fucked up to
Stick to just killing furries

It's not called being a pussy it's called actually being normal
I can understand degenerates arent normal
But there comes a time to being normal as in you arent some fucking sicko who likes killing animals and is into gore

@Ant <@794765505068007426> you probably jerk off to dead animals
You both are a failure to humanity no matter how true you are about saying niggers are gross
But being into killing animals isnt ok
I hope this server gets taken down

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