
Discord ID: 524240668189655064

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i have choosen a side. And i picked the third position


neither capitalist nor communist

i am not a nazi and i am not a "fence sitter". I have choosen a side


how are my results even remotley close to centrism?

it is a economic system that is neither communism nor capitalism

like corporatism and distrubutism

it is not a mix

it is neither


Corporatism is a political ideology which advocates the organization of society by corporate groups, such as agricultural, labour, military, scientific, or guild associations, on the basis of their common interests


it is not a corpration

it is not the rule of the rich

it is not a oligarchy

the collectives dont rule themselves

i am a fascist

not a nazbol

i thought that was obvius with the mosley pfp

Mosley is the best leader the world never got

ew, ancaps



i am not a commie


but i may be expecting to much from a ancap in thinking you can read

bruh, Mosley was very, very opposed to communism

he hated it


that is why i support him, because of the fascism


not communism

tbf i do prefer commies to ancaps

but it is not by much

kinda hard being in a politics server and not talking about my political opinons

i do

cus i am not stupid

the worst thing is that i am not even sure if you are joking or not

with calling a mosleyist a commie

people will serve the party

because the party knows best

they will stand by the king

please tell me you are joking

I have more morals then any libs will ever have

imagine being so stupid you believe anarchism will work

fascism failed because of the incompetens of Hitler and Musolini

Mosley would have made Europe great

i want a united europe

and i am not british

i want europe to be one nation. And the EU is far from that

good, fuck them both

nazis and commies go up against the wall

to reform it to one country united under a monarchy

that would make it great

I do not "worship" him for having him as a idol and agreing with him on a lot


i simply look up to him

i do not worship anyone not thing

i simply look up to him

both those two should have been """""re-educated"""

and all their followers should be to

i was joking

freedom of thought is important to a nation

or well

freedom of though for some

not all

commies, anarchists, libertarians, progressives and a few others don't get it


as long as you are not a threat to the crown you can have your freedom

Fucking libs



and so am i

mosley'd is not my favorite term

whatch this as well



extrmely based

and very smart as well


eco-nationalism is alomost as great as eco-fascism


people hunting for sport is truly scum of the earth

i agree

hunting to eat is fine

it is better than factory farming

but killing animals for fun is disguting

that is a... disguting way of seing life


i am meant to serve my nation and the crown. Not to live a selfish destructive life

don't care

i will protect my nations envirorment

for my nation goes first


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