
Discord ID: 608387492940480534

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The oldest accountable daily ritual of bathing can be traced to the ancient Indians. They used elaborate practices for personal hygiene with three daily baths and washing. These are recorded in the works called grihya sutras and are in practice today in some communities.

I guess indians were the og shower fans

decent but get that equality and progressive up

tbh the only decent test is leftvalues

whats even going on

ngl before mao china was kinda a mess

yall kept splittin and shiet

is this china guy a troll


literally dies

chinese men are hot

omg so racist


what level do you need to be for image perms

Are you black people

what if it is statistically proven that chinese do in fact have smaller dick?



Nigeria with that 6 inches


how is it possible to have a dick size under 4 inches


like bruh

having a 5 incher in SK is huge lmao

I wouldnt mind being raped by chinese men





why is he posting random pics of Asian women

I got mad freedom


no one unironically believes in any of those

lol noocracy literally has a polcomp ball wiki as the first result

and geniocracy is just technocracy with extra steps

it just about smart people ruling

idc about it cos its irrelevant

you fix that with communism not this nonsense lol

my role is a joke

nigga in communism no one "rules" over others

wait ur a satanist fascist

ngl satanic fascism sounds hot


they dont lol

unironic devil worship is schizo shit

pagans are either fascist larpers or mentally ill tiktok witch girls



just clicked on this server and this is what i see


@Atterdag interesting roles

pagans are like whatever

none of them are mentally well

the wiccans seem annoying but their aight

Caucasian males at risk of self annihilation

nigga how tf you promote being gay

(timmy here's some gay porn for u hopefully it will cure your hetrosexuality)


you dont get bottom surgery at 12

if they did that would be immoral

but atleast my country has restrictions on that

the fetus is alive

i just dont care


I mean alot of signs of gender dysphoria manifest very young and when an official diagnosis is offered even at a young age the chances of regret or transition is very low

obviously parents shouldnt coorece the decision

the most effective results are produced when transition starts earlier

its alot harder to actually pass as the opposite sex when you've already finished puberty

well i mean it is statistically proven that they dont when it comes to this

if it is just a phase they usually dont get the diagnosis

no in order to be diagnosed you need to show a persistent desire to change your gender for atleast half a year and then if you do pass that if ur still faking it you'll have to keep that act up for years

not many people care enough to do that for fun lol

I mean the only thing NATO does is bomb brown kids so that makes sense

how is the red army and wehrmacht comparable

one fought for the establishment of a nation to liberate its people the other worked for a genocidal fascist regime


nigga who were the nazis liberating

my roles r a joke

no way can you word it in a way that paints the nazis similar to the USSR

um the millions of working class citizens?

in terms of liberation im mainly talking about the standard of living improvements it had

lol untrue

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