
Discord ID: 782077127469301761

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Is the stereoype true?

That Fascist servers are filled with trap porn and shit

I am Bi

Already did

Why Draft?

Draft are you male?

How old are you?

Are you all Hwite?

Aaabi are you Bi

Have you developed any fetishes?

Do you have

Wtf is feederism?

Do you like to force feed women

Or men hahahah

But you bi

I will make you Bi



So you are Bi

No you are Bisexual and soon gay


Hahaha sure

No one did

I joined through a link

You do look quite gay though Draft, look at you profile pic


Yeah you are Draft

Why do you find fat people attractive though

I mean I have other types of fetishes not gaining weight haha

How often do you coom

I do it like every 3 times expect when I have problems too

I do like 3 times like yesterday

Contributism-Productivism (We are developing it)

Its the most Authoritarian ideology you will ever hear of

Apart from Race, left

Race is right

I don't care if there are catboys fucking eachother, so long as they are white

Well why do you care about culture so much

I used to be straight up Fascist

Why did you say Fascist servers were infested with trap porn?

When I asked about the sterotype Draft

I don't know

I don't even find any arousal from looking at men

Cause I like something else๐Ÿ˜

"Sexually harassed"

Who me?

Dick is fine

I don't like to think of God when thinking of messed up shit like being gay

Well actually he does exist however he has most likely never intervened in the Universe, only having created it, through the Big Bang

Thats true Aaabi

I dont know how these people can believe in god while being so immora

I am immoral but I think that god hasn't intervened in the universe

No, evolution was natural

Not guided by divinity or anything

Do you feel ashamed of yourself in the eyes of god Daft?

Hahaha okay

Are you Christian?

Does the Jewish origin of Christianity not bother you?

Are you a National Socialist?

I think Jews might be equal or superior to Whites, however they must be destroyed as they are the enemy

But in regards to intelligence Jews are excelling

And because people are inherently tribalistic

My record is 3

83 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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