King Of Kings

Discord ID: 780692553968123914

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- Creation of community
- Creation of business
- Creation of medias
- Buy logistic
- Transform community into armed militia
- Mass assassinate on all J3WS and TRAITORS with their families and friends

Join discord /24hGEkCF

I am the futur leader of the world who has dedicated his whole life to the total extermination of the jews and their allies

Stfu coward and go suck a dick, worthless subhuman

Communist = Degenerate who has no clue abut the human being nature

Speak normal language

Yep , human nature

For exemple, we don't want to give what is ours to other

Sure it is

And i can say the same

Your argument on human nature being a meme, is a meme

That's not theproblem

The only way for communism to work

is by volontary contributing

And it will never happen

The moment u start to use force, it can't work

How so what ?

But we didnt ask people to give all their work to a common goal

I am already planing to kill everyone in my gouvernement

because they taxe more than 50% of my work

Communism is 100%

Sure, you work all day and in exchange u have a house, and food. (that s the definition of slavery)

And the main reason why communism can't work, is economical, if u are paid to do nothing, people wont try to work hard to get pay

they will just do nothing and wait for the pay

and they will become good for nothing

They did work, but it destined to fail

more and more people will just stop hard work

Its pointless

And less people work = less taxe to feed the people who dosnt work

There is not point to be a slave

Slave is supposed to be for 1 - 2 years at start of life

But since you guys have no real father

You don't know how to get on in ife

You are supposed to be a slave for ur family and urself

Not for a random one

Slave is good to make basic capital

Because that's the same, but instead of working for a boss, u work for the state

At least, capitalism, you can work on ur own and don't depend much on state regulation

Its easier to get out of slavery under capitslim

than communism

Just check all commy country

they are all poor

Yes, my way of slavery is : Working for someone

You create a business, the finace go to the state , who are always corrupted

In france

I have to pay 75% in taxe

when u work on ur own

And the taxe are used to destroy the country

THe people never control the means of production

The state control it

There is only one way to reing over a country

You don't understand the world

And specialy the jews

The monarchy is the hardest to corrupt

Democraty = Free

You are talking about things that don't happens often

And when there is case like that

There is disposition taken already

The council has been chosen by the king

It's hardest to go in as a spy

than a democray or republic

No one do only good choice

The main thing about king is :

1. The long term vision (because he has to give it to his son)

2. Its hard to take control of it with subversion

3. The king can do whatever he wants, when ever he wants, for exemple, today, he could just say "Ok ok we gonna start to exterminate the jews", and the army should just compy

Yes, but it will alwatys be harder to take control over a monarchy

rather than democraty, or republic

It is a good thing to have absolute power

Ofc, it can be bad if we meet a psycopath

But it is needed

The population too

what do y mean

They do hold the power of number

They can, yes, it dosnt need much skill

But this kind of things is the same in every kind of gouvernement

If the people in power want to kill the poor

say that to north korea

Yes, i am not really concerned with that kind of problem too

The only problem i see in this world, are the jews trying to destroy everything

But do you think north korea could keep being what they are

If they stop use force

on their citizen

Pbly yes they took a long time x)

But u realise the North korea could be seen as a monarchy right? x)

North korea is my prefered country

THey have not been corupted by our way of live yet

Yes, not fully monarchy

but the core is the same

They shouldnt

Just trade ok

I hope they don't since Korean are american whore

South korean

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