ушел 07/12/20 AP 004

Discord ID: 783449279389630475

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Welp my acc was deleted

You should listen to it more then

Wait where are you from? @alapu0

Maybe instead of insulting each other, you can find common grounds

alapu I apologise on his behalf haha

Wait they reported it¿

Adios comrades, see you on the next server

That must be incredibly painful dhdhueueh

Why would anyone want that 😭

That's true, id never want to dominate a man haha
Especially doing that- 😶🤮

Yeah, that's disgusting, it must be rather unpleasant for the lady too

Oh 100% worse for a man

A man shouldn't really be sub, especially to that severity of what she's doint. I doubt that amount of pain even feels nice

That's true, I think if any pain at all, it should be for the woman

But wgaghah what even was their discussion to come up with the idea of doing that ahaha

Dydghfhfhfurur ew

And the one man one jar thing

Bruh what I also find weird but idk if you will

Is like way older men like 60+ doing stuff with really young women

I just find it gross

I don't like gay or lesbian shit either

Bruh the whole new thing of guys wearing maid outfits

I don't see the appeal, or how other girls find it hot

Yeah femboys are strange asf, wearing dresses and makeup to please a dom girl

Shsheuyeyeye have any of you see one man one screwdriver

I could send a link

But the screwdriver is worse

I'd hate that if I was a guy

Damn that isn't your thing? @Deleted User 7b7c77ca 😂

Bahahahaaha shame

I watch whatever people send me ngl, I don't actively look for anything

Lmao a nice swift change of subjects

That's almost as bad as the one you sent last night

Also mr Beijj, you have a lot of weird porn saved don't you 🤨🤨

Pffft anime/hentai is wack

How can you be so sexually attracted to something that's not real lol, some men just don't make sense

What's way worse is disbled people porn

I wouldn't give my body to multiple men

How do you know that?

Lmao angry smol bean

Surely religious people who do porn can't genuinely be religious

Uwu sowwy beij beji am I annoying you 😭😭👉🏼👈🏼✨❤

I don't care, cope xo

I also think it's wrong to do it with so many people

I mean if I couple want to film themselves to keep for private reasons it's weird but I guess okay

I just find it weird people getting turned on from others having sex

And it meaning nothing to any of them

Yeah that's true, I wouldn't be happy with that

My main problem is people making porn ngl

And to be honest I think with less porn jerking off will happen less too

Porn is wrong, especially women who do it with every man they get, it really loses all meaning

It will, you'll be less turned on

I think he likes porn 😂

Okay so you're telling me, without porn, you'd do it the exact amount

Where's a source if you don't mind?

Pretty sure your body reproduces testosterone

Wait so in your 100% hardship of research on this subject @ꒌЧика Вељаꒌ
If a woman does it all the time, does that make her less feminine

What hormones does she lose ahaha

Sure okay, I also know quite a lot, I was mocking mr beijji haha

I'm one of the only anglo in my family lol

Does all of the slav disappear or am I just Mexican British in your eyes?

Prove he has a lower iq

Generalising is bad

Prove to me you're smarter than mozak, and ill agree with you

You're saying you're smart and have a big dick?

Take an IQ test then, both of you

Scared of being proved wrong?

It's an online test too

Besides, you're claiming far more than what you can validate

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