
Discord ID: 242035060851736586

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Damn, yesh, idk how my bf's family is even surviving in new york. New york sucks and he talks about how great it is <:cb_thirstycatto:595894526355177491>

LMAO, I have great food where I am. I do get jealous when I see food videos from nyc and la.

Also, the proof is the money he has given them, the money they have given him. The things he has in chins, the things the Chinese government said about him, etc.

Giving money to other countries without people knowing, TAX PAYERS MONEY

Uhuh, that Is fake. I am sorry, I've seen too many things he was involved with. Doesn't make since that that Chinese government called him out on money, all that shit he has with it, the info with his son on a laptop, etc.

If you increase minimum wage, you increase prices of groceries, that is why our dollar is worth more than back then. You raise minimum wage, you raise house costing, taxes, groceries, bills, etc. Prices go up everything goes up, people get fired. It isn't rocket science.

Last time I checked AOC said BLM riots were justified, some senators said that if you see people wearing anything trump or see I forgot which conservative senator, attack him and his family

Last time I CHECKED 40-30% of Las? Locals businesses went out of business

Oh, they clearly do, specially if you want to say the antifa WHO DRESSED UP LIKE TRUMP SUPPORTERS BTW, (they planned that) that destroyed parts od the capital "represent the stop the steal protest"

Ohh, well, you got me there, sucks that I have seen millions of more of those "fake flyers"

LMAO, trump papa (ain't saying anything other than that or it will sound wrong)

I swear, my pfp might make me look like a furry but I am NOT, I promise. That picture that was sent just reminded me of it.

If that actually happened to her I wouldn't feel bad at all tbh. I am that sick and disgusted of her.

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