
Discord ID: 614548156960473128

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1. Youtube via ZoomerNat

2. Male

3. United States, Eastern Michigan

4. I am a Right-Wing Populist; National Populist with Conservative values, Nationalistic values. I believe corporations and big business need to be regulated

5. Been watching Nick Fuentes since December 2018, been active in the GOP since 2019 as a volunteer; I was apart of the YCM (Young Conservatives for Michigan) movement as Director of the Ideology Committee who worked with Nick Fuentes, organized rallies for the America First movement, and helped organize Groyper events in Michigan against Charlie Kirk. My role was organizing databases, creating zions and graphic material for the movement, recruiting members and ideologically educating them on the America First movement, as well as knocking doors for America First political candidates that we tried getting elected. Unfortunately I am no longer with YCM due to internal conflicts in relevancy to subordination (strict unnecessary policies were put in place intentionally to remove me because of conflicts with other members). I was active in the Groyper war and I interned for the campaigns of candidates in Michigan that were America First. I also watch John Doyle, Paul Joseph Watson, Tucker Carlson, and consider myself a dedicated Groyper. I also attended the Battle of Algonac where me and several dozen other America First patriots defended World War Two and Civil War statues against a horde of combined LGBTQ and BLM barbarians, fortunately they got bored and went home after being surrounded by the America First stormtroopers.


7. I am a non-denominational born again Christian


Battle of Algonac: Total Victory for America First as LGBTQ + BLM mob retreats from the statues

we let in anarchists?

I'll probably join in to debate as well


and in my defense they already admitted to using them in future vaccines to make sure people actually have them

I have a Cross with the Crown of Christ on it

I feel like there should be more America First organization irl

in regards to each people's states and whatnot, as well as getting people elected

There is only one America First movement nearby in Michigan and it died out due to inner-fighting

called YCM

it was going super well, we were getting guys elected

and then we let in this schizophrenic nat soc guy and he basically wanted to larp like Stalin,

and tried getting everyone removed for "being spergy"

I was able to get him removed but by then it was too late

the damage was done and the movement fell apart

lmao oh God

I miss being active though and just doing work for America First, I mean other then redpilling, debating people online and watching America First, I'm basically sitting around right now

idk if you guys saw but when BLM & ANTIFA came into our county,

we got everyone, went to the statues, and basically rallied a few dozen America Firsters,

countered the shit out of them

yes all my friends attended

I had school and couldn't attend unfortunately

I'm basically in Port Huron

still a senior in HS actually

oh neat

we had our meetings in Lansing and it was pretty fun

we had this safe space where us and like 20 other groypers would meetup

oh no literally we had a safe space in this basement


I sent our guys out to defame the whole BLM shit on the roads but the guys pussied out and just wrote "Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong" right next to it


would of went out there and defamed it myself

yes yes

in comparison to the thing BLM wrote it was extremely small

I tried to look for it during the lansing rally and it was gone

as if it rained and disappeared lol

more effective if they just defamed the whole BLM thing

but fair point, we don't wanna get our guys killed or doxxed either

they let people off, cops here are pretty based

I remember jogging and this cop was giving a speech in front of all these high school parents listening in


as I'm jogging by

the state cops are more cucky to whitmer

but local cops are fine

I know a state cop that is in my county

since I am friends with his son

despite my high school being really conservative

and my town being 99% white

looots of drugs

before covid the cops would come with dogs and inspect the lockers

quite often too

if you go more south into algonac, the drug problem becomes 10x worse

despite them also being extremely conservative, 95% white

then again the more south you go the more closer to detroit you get

I was watching it, lasted pretty short

dont think it went well

Perhaps the audio?

Otherwise I agree its a nice edit

Nah I only was around during the Lansing rallies

I’m trying to get back into my local movement there

I do

2020-12-09 04:21:59 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #news]  

didnt alex jones predict that after a man-made virus media would then use aliens as a means of furthering the one world order or something

2020-12-13 01:34:05 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #news]  

@Tactical Floyd The guy on the left in purple is an irl best friend of mine

2020-12-13 01:34:13 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #news]  

although we had some recent drama we grew up together

2020-12-13 01:34:23 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #news]  

he also was the one that introduced me to Nick Fuentes

2020-12-13 01:34:30 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #news]  

not irl but to his channel of course

2020-12-13 01:34:49 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #news]  

He was also the guy that flew the AF flag in DC when Trump had covid

2020-12-13 01:34:57 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #news]  

he's from Michigan

2020-12-13 01:35:22 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #news]  

oh yeah definitely lmao

2020-12-13 01:35:43 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #news]  

When Young Conservatives of Michigan was active he was assisting me with lots of redpills towards my recruits

2020-12-13 01:36:06 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #news]  

he is pretty charismatic lots of potential

2020-12-13 01:36:59 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #news]  

he's in the navy redpilling admirals and naval officers

2020-12-13 01:37:28 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #news]  

only thing I'm unhappy about is he threw me under the bus in YCM and I feel like now that he's becoming relevant friends of his that were with him during day one have become irrelevant to him but its whatever

Even Purple shirt Groyper commented lol

@ZoomerNat Did you manage to speak to him?

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