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@Destroykin best part about asuka is her resisting as much as she can


also pun pun mogs evangelion in terms of relatability

you cant relate to it unless youโ€™rr like a literal 15 y/o


@Jacques de Chan why cant you be like stormer nigga

he gets it ๐Ÿท๐Ÿท๐Ÿท

2020-12-31 06:15:01 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #banter]  


2020-12-31 06:15:16 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #banter]  

i dont smoke lol

2020-12-31 06:15:18 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #banter]  

or drink

haikyuu is a hyperborean anime

same for mha

i dont watch anime i just read manga

i might watch lain

but iโ€™m lazy as fuck

id rather watch breaking bad

is it?

i always see emo e girls dick sucking it


great ice breaker

@1brieflife why would i tell you my sources

guts is nietszchean

berserk is high t as fuck yeah

nigga you have a homestuck pfp


problem with my problem?

did you just expect drab edginess


it didnt

it just mellowed out due to pacing

its like when an author gets bored with his work

he just mellows out the story

miura literally made some anima manga LOL

instead of working on berserk

or some shit


also miuraโ€™s friend died from covid

or some shit

and said he feels lonely as shit now

jjbaโ€™s art became soft as fuck

but i still like the palletr

i do too

part 8 is the best part

and anyone who says otherwise is a tranny faggot with a mental illness





tranny jojo fans need to step aside (out of their window)

(onto pavement)

araki should just make jobin win to make everyone else cope and seethe

jobin is chad af

diavolo was pretty cool but his mysteriousness got outperformed by funny valentine

funny valentine pretty much mogged him on that scale of what he could do


and tooru is a groomer chad


tooru groomed yasuho


gappy seething and coping

josuke isnt pussy whipped though so i respect that

@Erlik แšฏ joshu is too pussy whipped

he would die for yasuho

moment of silence for the trannies who unironically try to make gappy a transexual or nonbinary

araki literally made fun of fags and trannies as many times as he could

kaato is just an irrelevant whore

would be so funny if araki made tooru win

and said the end

and never made another manga

no lol

probably not

and if there is itโ€™ll take 20 years to finish after like a few years if hiatus



it will

yeah but itโ€™ll be done in like 20 years nigga

if there is a part 9

iirc araki is taking a long ass hiatus after part 8

iโ€™m gonna probably read aot

next week

and catch up

part 8โ€™s stands are the best

vitamin c is based

gonna exit the chat

so i dont get spoiled

does anyone have that โ€œthey dont knowโ€ meme

from aot

2020-12-31 17:04:54 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #vc-chat]  

woland mogging 5cythe lol

2020-12-31 17:16:14 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #vc-chat]  

if we all talk at the same time we will get our point across

2020-12-31 17:32:07 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #vc-chat]  

stalinism is based

2020-12-31 17:32:54 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #vc-chat]  


2020-12-31 17:32:55 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #vc-chat]  


so trve

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