
Discord ID: 147079949461749770

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2019-02-18 14:42:59 UTC [Subverse #new-member-alert]  

2019-09-22 00:09:48 UTC [Athens #gymnasium_games]  

@Timeward you still need help?

2019-09-22 00:10:01 UTC [Athens #gymnasium_games]  

dm me?

token fence hopper back at it

it wont end cause of pussy foot mps in parliment

imagine being canadian in 2019

we owned 1/3 of the world and now the 3rd world owns us

america bombing the middle east is like when you were in vietnam them fuckers are just hiding in tunnels

@!GPT all you have to do is watch sargons video on the labour conference to see how fucking looney my country has become

imagine invading korea and vietnam and then getting fucked by both of them <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

yall had to ask for our help in korea

who really lost there

didnt need your help in ww2

we prob wouldve be all russian now but we didnt need your help

yet you used our intel, planes etc

like you can say you won the war all you like but if we didnt do the ground work, intel gathering or the decryption of enigma

like you would have 0 targets or knowledge on enemy movements without the brits

you wouldve lost if you went with that approach

germany's AA guns tore your planes to shreds

you legit wouldnt have survived even a year if you just tried to bomb the whole of germany

RAF pilots were the best pilots in ww2

your logic is flawed


like you wouldnt have even stood a chance without british intelligence

chinese arent your biggest issue atm

its the damn commies

not true commies

its like saying americans are english


this speaks volumes


but the left claim anyone who isnt on the left is alt right <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

does anyone have the Trudeau meme

the netflix adaptation one

nah it was like anime cartoon netflix adaptation

i remember saving it somewhere but i forgot where


pow youre canadian why are you talking shit



<:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> some mad lad really tried to ddos labours website

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