
Discord ID: 350866823786397697

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2018-04-28 02:30:08 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  

Denzel calls it "opinews"

2018-04-28 02:31:37 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  


2018-04-28 02:32:23 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  


2018-04-28 02:36:19 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  

but you cant use "free speech" in the name, it's a "dog whistle" blah blah blah

2018-04-28 02:36:38 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  


2018-04-28 02:37:34 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  

march for inalienable rights

2018-04-28 02:40:38 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  

historically speaking, america has the rights we have because we had just removed a giant jackboot from our collective assess

2018-04-28 02:48:41 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  

I was fairly certain, but still wanted to double check... the magna carta didn't concern ordinary individuals. It was a guarantee between, essentially, the upper class - the king and barons.

2018-08-13 18:57:46 UTC [Subverse #bot-commands]  


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