Discord ID: 496889379583688705
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Give me time
It's pretty long, yet off topic to this convo
Alright, this will sound SUPER stupid and off topic, but I need advice:
Get ready for something long
I am part of this discord of a hangout club at my local University. These kids on this server appear CLEARLY sjw, left, and probably have TDS. Although I will not give away names, they are mad at this one kid on my campus over dumb shit he has said on facebook, his right-wing views, his physical figure, his sexism the fact that he is known to greet people by hugging (cuz he is trying to be friendly) and the fact that his mother bullshitted his way into passing off as mentally disabled, even though I noticed PLENTY of signs that proves he is mentally disabled (bottom line, he has a lot of illnesses such that you can't fix one without making the rest worse).
Even though I don't agree with this kid's views I can clearly see why he is this dumb, but he's gonna get hurt by these people on the server I am on and I REALLY don't want that to happen. (The disabled kid isn't on the server so you know).
I plan on turning these guys to the campus police, should anything happen. But I am gonna have serious trouble turning in the proof because I originally wanted to create a second account for the police to gain access to this server and investigate these students, but since the server got raided by trolls, they cranked up the security by inviting people via email rather than a poster's discord link and showing proof of University ID.
Nothing clearly has happened yet except their expressing their dread for this disabled kid and for other celebreties and people who disagree with their views.
What do I do?
@ยฏ\_(ใ)_/ยฏ You mean what they post? It can be easily refuted by stating they are "edited"
@Vesdii the police will definitely get it, they know the kid actually
It's a matter of avoiding a bunch of bullshit though
What's the best way to screenshot though
After looking through all the comments, just loathing, trying to get as much hate against this kid
I don't see any threats though, not yet at the least
I think the claims against this kid are fake
lol I remember these guys saying *"I'm gonna invite him on this server just to troll him, would that be considered against our own rules?"*
and someone else was like *"if anyone deserves light bullying, it's him"*
^ woah mate, kids I meet would have had your* head (figuratively speaking)
Nah, they'd snip it
cap it
that's on me
It don't matter, you'd be on the hit list anyway.
Thanx for advice guys
Oh fuck, I forgot to mention one thing: How do I properly submit the documents? The university's anonymous page is not designed to submit file attatchments, so I plan on dropping off the files on a thumbdrive with all the info they need.
Never heard of them actually
I wanna leave this board now
I'm telling my sjw friends :3
the Right is always right
we do things the Right way
lol jk
u think this belongs in <#398973785426100234> ?
yeet that meat to the beat of the feet
yiff yiff
can I get an OwO
Oh shit @Rouqen You get the paper
Okay okay, anyone familiar with Turning Point USA?
Remember those leftist I talked about last night? the ones against that one disabled kid just cuz of his views?
These kids look like they're gonna start going after them
What's the best way to record anyway? I plan on just chilling outside the room where the meeting is held and see if there are any familiar faces
AND I plan on disseminating their plans to TPUSA
unless you guys think the Campus police is better
Guys, I have a big problem and I need someone's help
I'm trying to recover my friends account but he did not really think about putting in a phone number to get a verification code
Cuz he "doesn't wanna do it"
*gmail account
what do?
It's asking for a phone number
fucking gmail
Actually, is there a way to create a fake phone number so that I can receive a text?
The absolute state of the atlantic. They're trying to insinuate that the counterevidence is bs
even though the shortened vid made twitter users send death threats to the school
tbf this article was made before we found out about the death threats on twitter
And it was trending on my tab
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