Joe Rocky MED

Discord ID: 729461467715338240

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barely any commies in here wtf

whats with your pfp lol

Well that makes more sense

thought you were a guy

yeah cause commies aren't people

lmao yeah totally

the guy with SS in his name calling me a fed


you're a fucking retard lmao

take off the fascist role

you make us look bad

What got you into Fascism?

don't see many fascist females

this is a good mindset

what do you think of the migrants?

they need to be deported

european governments have betrayed their people

they need to all hang

lmao based

serbs arent white

i know im kidding

slavs are white

italian american

parents are from italy, born in america

no, israel should be nuked

Israel and the jews made america like this

tbh i wouldnt mind moving to eastern europe though

brava! como?


that looks disgusting lmao

Mediterranean master race

not a chance

anglos sided with the commies

fuck them

they deserve it

what are you?

cause you're a woman lol

women aren't really racist

wtf is this

Women just want a stronk man

ahh ok. damn.

britain will be muslim in 20 years anyways

slavs also got slaughtered by the soviets who the anglos sided with

yeah thats based

i'd like to live in eastern europe

they're still poor though

i love those videos

old video

yeah im watching

i live for this shit

Even *if* you were a fag, dont go out and parade you moron

kys degenerate faggot

communism was created by Jews

stupid kike

mosley is based

this one is classic

fuck joe biden

he's going to lose

heil trump

true, but trump is way better

he might go mask off this term

Trump still prevents imimigration from shitskin countries in the middle east

where all the fag commies at

why are you a degenerate fag

why do you fags support satan

being a commie you do

satanist faggots

i'm waiting

when were you molested

Imagine sticking your penis in a hole were poop comes out

kill yourselves

that makes children you stupid faggot

okay start with killing yourself

brainwashed morons

it's necessary for whites to have children

most of them have

you were influenced by your environment to be gay

a lesbian commie? doubt

why the fuck are you here then

wtf are you

exactly so why are you here?

dumb woman

commies just hate themselves and their nations

commies don't know real history

they don't understand communism wasn't an organic movement

it was manufactured

ohh yeah infiltrated education system you brainwashed sheep

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