Cohencidence Detector

Discord ID: 317124413197910016

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Drive by for Blonde

Thats i often cringe when Matt says "ill move" when someone asks him "if this <insert stupid shit> happened to your state what would you do"


Enjoy dying for Israel soon zoomers lmao

Zoomers in this channel I'm willing to share this for $5

Last 4 you'd need if you get deployed

So now that Lauren Southern actually did the trad wife meme whos the ||Dr. Murdoch||?

I did call it a meme

Yeah but I don't think the plantation still has an idea who dr Murdoch is

Maybe if the FBI tells Milo to spill it we'd know

Which of you geniuses are these?

He has what? 3 or 4 kids?

At least he's cooming on a proper receptacle

>same thing

Thats why i dont call in anymore

Yeah but Cringefags like Legalize as an admin on this place cannot offset your contribution

I've been planning to call in one time tho. I've been inspired by Molyneux

Imagine siding with gods chosen

Siding with ethnic jews

If daddy USA isn't in Israels Beck and call

There will be a crater there

Seems like the boomerwaffen ain't gonna do shit in Virginia

As expected

All these "from my cold dead hand" gun flexors are just that

And yes that includes Matt

Daily reminder that Matt's first response to "what if gun control passes in your state" is to run to another state

"look at this big gun rights rally the boomers are really good at optics compared to wignats"

Bill gets passed on their faces anyway lmao

Cuckservarives are the real soy boys all along

diverse just means less white ppl

no white ppl = most diverse


The sudden change of pitch then immediate shift to credentialism is fucking hilarious

"I'm not being cornered B-baka"

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