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Democrats and Republicans, Android and iOS, Windows and macOS, PC and Mac etc.

Seriously, people seem to enjoy only having two choices for no reason at all

Maybe it's the paradox about multiple choices

9 different brands would be too much for most people


Wait... AT&T even owns the NEWS?!

Yeah, RCS&RDS or Digi, which are a cable company in Romania, also have a news channel.

It's seemingly pro-COVID propaganda.

Wait... Microsoft and Comcast own MSNBC?!

Wow, imagine the ideas that Bill Gates would give to them

Most of our cable and satellite companies are... umm, so we have RCS&RDS (Digi), Vodafone (which bought UPC this year), Orange, Telekom (which bought our Romtelecom in 2013-2014, a bit before Klaus Iohannis was elected. Coincidence?!)

We also have AKTA, it's not a monopoly like the US cable market

For now

I think??? Who knows what is hiding under the courtains?

Again, they're talking about themselves when they call us that


I know why they'd do that.


I watched the news once, and I remembered the television told me something. They were showing some 3D graphs and shamefully flexing on how television is still the most trusted news source by Romanians 😤

And they sometimes have to brag about their ratings, as well. Not always, but at random times, they do. I think.

> Google app on my phone only has CNN and NYT headlines it seems like. Bing app used to let you block a news source permanently but that “stopped working” in the election year
@yeti_steamroller kinda sus.

Sky News Australia is our only hope

They're the only ones who actually tell us the TRUTH

2020-10-19 15:02:29 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  


Are our nerd leaders sociopathic? Yes or yes?

Nerds never thought for themselves. They were particularly good at reciting information ever since they were at school.

EXACTLY! Nerds just mindlessly read books

Science and technology is their religion

The duality of the left.

The left when you say masks don't protect you from COVID, and it even says on their packages: "buhlive science!!111!!!!!11!!!"
The left when you say there are two genders: "RACIST! SEXIST! HOMOPHOBIC!!"

Wait... what?! I get it, the tolerant left, but why do they tolerate maps (as in the brand new meaning Twitter gave to the word) and not normal guys???!

We live in a society 😔

The left: "Kids need sexual education in schools!!!"

Also the left: "PEDOPHILES R OK TOO!!!"

Yeah, the sexual education wouldn't be about how to manage your puberty or how to better defend yourself from paedos, but about gender fluidness and about how your gender can be anything.

The left are so sexist

all they can think of is sex

Greek philosophers were the best men on Earth. Same with Chinese philosophers.

The left are racist and sexist.

Yeah, I only hate the black people that make themselves a victim, I only hate the Gypsies that rob and steal, I only hate the ones that are walking stereotypes.


That's the idea

Most "racist" jokes of back then were clear satire.

Hey, is that a series of words that are being used in another way than their literal sense in order to create laughter after the brain of the receiver correctly interprets the meaning of the words in the specific sentence as the specific special sense that the transmitter has meant? That disgusts me greatly, as I cannot distinguish your meaning from my meaning, and because I have a sense of belonging to my bias, I'll put my own flaws into you due to me being able to wrap the context in my favor. Translation: yo is that irony? RACIST!!!

That's how the left would like us to speak, to be honest. The longer and more complicated and vaguer, the better.

Yeah, like... are you a black person to get offended by a joke that wasn't towards you? They don't need your help, useless knights...

I especially **love** etymology.

Yeah, the book is famous. The Big Tech is pretty much Big Brother.

Starbucks? More like Liberalwoman Coffee Inc.

Conspiracy: what if feminism is just a way for them to justify the sex doll industry? If we can't have real females, we have to replace them. Hmmm?

Being based = actually being woke

The left are sleeping hard... and they are long long in their dream land...

Yeah, white people are the only ones that can defend the poor minorities (proletariat) from the evil white Christian people. Ugh. 😒

I knew you were joking

So, let's see:

An ancient leader did furry sex gay pedo roleplay.

Are we really going back to the time we had a God for everything?

Dear God of Laptops, may You bless my SSHD, as it started making weird noises. Please bless my SSHD, and please, take my attention span as my sacrifice to you, God of Laptops and Social Media. 🤣

Just imagine if we were to actually be like that 🤮


So they also had gangbangs back then.

their "progress" is taking us to the times before Christ

Nah, quite the opposite: it is godful

They have so many Gods

Dude, we may have the latest and greatest AI chips inside our brains, but if we go back to rituals way before the AD years, it's worrying.

*we will may have

Sorry, we only have camera AI chips and other AI chips... for now.

Surely, I like tech, but I also don't want it to be used.



I mean, I am kind of wishing I could put good morals inside AI

If this is the way to go, at least make it... seem friendly???

The 10 Commandments, good idea.

Like, the literal rules from the Bible.

Most of them are common sense for us.

Yeah, uncommon sense is common.

Actually, all of the commandments in the bible make sense to me. No killings, no theft, no extreme jealousy, no cheating of wife, break on a Sunday, respect yourself and others...

What's wrong with these rules?

I mean, I respect others if they respect me. I can't respect someone that doesn't respect me. I'd waste my time, and it'd be useless.

And yeah, they all kinda make sense if you come to think of it.


Even a psychologist (who also happens to claim himself as an atheist 😉) said in an article to first protect and love myself, so that I can love others.

Yeah, **Republic**an

I am currently a moderate conservative

Which is the goat position for me

Yours is constant, unlike mine 🤣

Well, it's the first time in quite the time where I got the right wing position again...

I was around the same position on the left one time I did the test

I mostly do 8values

8values actually sort of tells the ideology

They are "propositions."

According to the site.

Why couldn't they just say "sentences?" The meaning would've been pretty clear.

> I got centre left libertarian
@SHAMAN966 not that bad, actually. Libertarian left is pretty based

> Please note that this isn’t a survey, and these aren’t questions. They’re propositions. To question the logic of individual ones that irritate you is to miss the point. Some propositions are extreme, and some are moderate. That’s how we can show you whether you lean towards extremism or moderation on the Compass. Your responses should not be overthought. Some of them are intentionally vague. Their purpose is to trigger reactions in the mind, measuring feelings and prejudices rather than detailed opinions on policy.

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