Monoxide Handshake

Discord ID: 752493039502753793

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1.Do you agree to follow the TOS and Server Rules?
2.What brought you here? (State user or website you were referred from.)
3. Do You Support Donald J Trump? If yes,please state the policies you agree with.)
Not really. I can't support him or his administration when they deny things like climate change
4. Do you agree to remain CIVIL in the server?
5.Do you support any extremists organizations or ideologies?
6. Which would you say you lean?
Centrist to right winger, I think. I'm not super politically educated but I'm tired of things like identity politics, third wave feminism etc

There is no evidence of voter fraud this election, and Trump is literally only coping because unlike virtually any other candidate who would've already conceded, he can't accept defeat, is all I'll say on the issue.
Funny as fuck though.

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