Herrenvolk - MD

Discord ID: 278564267765137409

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Chad shitposter funnels energy through his keyboard into his computer

I do wedding videography/photography and I offer 50% off to anyone in the Alt Right.

2017-10-14 16:29:12 UTC [The Silver Guild #general]  


2017-10-14 18:38:58 UTC [The Silver Guild #general]  

They're all vetted

2017-10-17 15:14:45 UTC [The Silver Guild #general]  

<@217378554701152256> link doesn't work

2017-10-25 20:30:21 UTC [The Silver Guild #general]  

Pro white campaign with really good optics

A prayer for those of you this weekend:

Our Father,
Thank you for yet another week that you have allowed us to enjoy. Thank you for your loving kindness and protection and show us the need to prepare for the future. All our preparations are nothing, however, if we fail to prepare for eternity by trusting you as our personal Lord and Savior! Thank you for your great salvation, purchased through your death on a cruel cross, paying for the sins of all mankind - making available to each one that trusts you, the promise of a heavenly home! Give us peace in the midst of the storms that come our way in life! Keep us safe as we stand for truth.

Jesus, I pray that we would be reminded that you are in total control and express your love and spirit as we reach out to our neighbors at all times. We thank you for the joys you allow us in life and ask your guidance and direction through it. You are the Great Physician and all healing comes through you! You are the Prince of Peace and only you can give peace that passes all understanding! You are the King of Kings and everything is well in hand with you! Use your people to minister to this world that is lost and dying in sin! Protect each one traveling this weekend and help us to always look to your cross as the world's most enduring memorial as it reminds us of the price you were willing to pay to redeem mankind!

Thank you for ancestors that trusted in you, that you - alone - brought through the ordeals heaped upon them by ungodly individuals. We can be no less committed to you as we seek to reveal the truth for you are the source of all truth! Strengthen us as we stand in truth. The evil one loves darkness and lies, our task is to cast out darkness with your light! May all we do give you glory and bring honour to those that have gone before us! All this we pray in the holy name of Jesus Christ
- Amen!

I hate every single person in here. You're all FAGGOTS!!

@here no one monitors the Twitters properly. I talk about fags and kikes, but no one tells me otherwise so I just continue.

Looking for work in the MD area, let me know if you have any contacts.

2017-11-30 13:04:54 UTC [The Silver Guild #general]  

Was It's okay to be white

2017-12-11 18:06:37 UTC [The Silver Guild #general]  

I don't have it

2017-12-21 22:36:10 UTC [The Silver Guild #general]  

If any of you are in central Appalachia and are interested in camping/shooting/etc join this: https://discord.gg/QSCQe2 Just announce yourself once in and what group you're in.

2017-12-21 23:24:30 UTC [The Silver Guild #general]  

I got a job being an e x t e r m i n a t o r

259 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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