
Discord ID: 697919064621711422

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jesse's statement is spot on, disagreements are normal and there's nothing wrong with secession and new servers, but don't be gay retards abt it

and i said this on the other server so eat cock if you wanna talk shit here

nah it's fair that there's been a split, it's the Groyper Reformation

Groypestant Reformation

also people don't like benster, I have no comment on the matter

but quack is more liked

plus he has standards for what constitutes america first

unlike various individuals

also nicker you haven't even been here for a whole day lmao

you listened to one VC


you didn't mention that when you were being told the same argument last night lol

"damn bro, all the people who like me voted for me, and all the people who don't didn't vote because they are gone""

"obviously I won"

god it's like talking to a wall

some of you people are so fucking stupid

i'm going to join the ADL just because i feel like at least the fucking jewish pedos running it are probably less retarded


his get banned iirc

plus it's better to not be centralized

that's one of our biggest strengths is that we can organize off the grid

Nicks too fucking busy this would just become a gaming server

plus i'd rather not involve the people who actually have an overarching role in this discord drama

because if nick takes the side of ZNN, he'll lose a lot of people

but if he takes the other side, he'll lose some heavy hitters

goes back to "discord would fucking nuke it"

except they will

discord admins are pedos and furries

they can and will nuke servers that are "far right"

surprised this is still running tbh

if you say verification one more time i'm going to fucking dox you

we should've stayed a fucking internet movement

can we all go live in the AF compound

in NickTown

No but i'll left hook you if you don't stfu

eat shit newbies

get an avie before you talk shit

lol i used to have my name on my profile

i removed it due to some big moves in con inc

but i used to dox myself

2020-09-22 20:53:14 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #vc-no-mic]  

lmao this server does have an autism problem

2020-09-22 20:53:27 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #vc-no-mic]  

"how are you supposed to VC when you don't have a mic"

2020-09-22 20:53:37 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #vc-no-mic]  

bruh why the fuck do you think there's a no mic chat

2020-09-22 20:54:31 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #vc-no-mic]  


hava nagila is one of the best songs for based comments

also catchy as hell

anyone going to SAS DM me

you fucking brits

student action summit

no nibba in a discord server is going sas

Damn I missed the woman hating

53 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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