Göbekli Pepe

Discord ID: 501833427071402005

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@Yeeboy5556 based, thx fam


which imo makes things a lot worse. I am glad victims arent hung out to dry, but we shouldnt have to fit the bill

it explains why this was done in the wiki page though

bitchen chair as well

we wuz Atlanteans n sheit

bruh out of africa is bs

did you know china accounts for like 60% of the worlds grain supply?

they grow almost all of it in that flood plain that just got ripped a new asshole lmao

nah, we;re the cornbread basket, but that's about it as far as ik

china comes in 2nd on that as well though

it makes my pp the big pp

the more false positives the higher the actual death rate :^)

does fucking anyone like bush tho?

I think he's funny, cant say I appreciated him as a president though

there is an old saying in texas, ya fool me once, shame on you... ya fool me cant get fooled again!

das it mane

lol have fun at camp

isnt this an old vid?

I think it's from a few months back when two groups of migrants were fighting over one group beating a 13yo from the other group

or something like that

just seeing this for the first time lmao


where that?

oh derp, just saw the hashtags

nukes for hire?

I like the idea, but it might get out of hand

pretty sure they're going for amazon dot com but for supplying proxy wars type shit lol

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