
Discord ID: 641145505551876097

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2020-09-23 16:58:18 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #pangburn]  

does anyone want to discuss modern music?

2020-09-23 17:07:01 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #religion]  

> Matt, if existence is not moral, it means it is imoral, or is it outside Morality? What u think ?
@Yussuki โ‚ช morally neutral to exist

2020-09-23 17:11:22 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #pangburn]  

in which way

2020-09-23 17:11:28 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #pangburn]  

i agree to an extent

2020-09-23 17:22:31 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #pangburn]  

i feel like there are bad songs, which have always been, but some of my favorite bodies of work OAT have come out in the last decade

2020-09-23 18:09:58 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #religion]  

Morality is based on societal well being, so no, destroying all humans is immoral

2020-09-23 18:14:17 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #religion]  

> Can't it just emerge naturally from good behavior and common understanding? Why does it need to be Absolute and tied up to unchanging principles?
@Yussuki โ‚ช common understanding is entirely subjective, and if its not absolute than terrible things like murder rape etc are not absolutley wrong

2020-09-23 18:15:49 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #religion]  

> So my questions is: Do you think that both of this statements can be true at once? 1. God exists because morality exists and 2. Morality can exist even if God does not exist? What you say ? Thanks Malachi.
@Yussuki โ‚ช ive seen the moral areguement used for God's existance. It has some weight but too prove a God can make objective moral laws God must be proven Omni benevolent. How to we prove God omnibenevolant?

2020-09-23 19:55:50 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #pangburn]  

1 My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
2 The College Dropout
3 Late Registration
4 Yeezus
5 808's and Heartbreak
6 Graduation
7 The Life Of Pablo
8 Ye
9 Jesus is King

2020-09-24 01:31:44 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #pangburn]  

for music ppl:

food for thought (not in order but in importance to albums imo)
1. dark fantasy or Wesley's theory
2.Monster vs king kunta
3. AOTL(interlude) vs for free
4.All of the lights vs these walls
5. Power vs alright
6. Gorgeous vs institutionalized
7. So appalled vs Hood politics
8. Devil in a new dress vs How much a Dollar cost
9. Runaway vs U
10. Hell of a life vs The Blacker the berry
11. Blame game vs Complexion
12. Lost in the World vs Momma
13. Who will survive in America vs mortal man

These were my favorite matchups so have at it.



ornithocheirus for pterosaur

Kronosaurus for plesiosaur


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