esam bazi

Discord ID: 482828092352757780

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Hey Ekin do you find the maps from specific website or Google images ?

on what version is the server ?

and is it compatibale with cracked minecraft ?

Conservatives aren't normal

nah im not anarchist

Original test is lib left biased

Tbh For economics i just want regulations to prevent exploitations, free healthcare and education

are you marxist ?

did you take the sapply test ?

original test is lib left biased

i will take a quick one rn

i became more anarchist

i took one rn from the original test

how ya doin fellow lefties <:kkoool:706527764362166274>


i still would consider myself as libcenter tho

political compass is heavily lib left biased

oh you support human rights ?

what is your auth lib scale ?

Communism wasnt fully practiced

that's why it's more of a theory

That's not fascism

That's totalitarianism

Fascism is putting the group above the individuals

Nazism was economically socialist

Baathism is also an example of fascism

That's what baathism is

Saddam invaded neighbouring countries

Anyone who spoke against Iraq would be executed

Saddam was baathist

Saddam was the leader of the socialist baathist party in iraq and led a coup against abd al kareem qasim

Ik what saddam was

saddam was a genocider too

He killed around 100k kurds

ottomans did kill kurds

enver pasha was ottoman

But way less than what the ottomans killed

Some Kurdish tribes allied with Armenians and assyrians against the ottomans

non turks were treated as 2nd class citizens

If course we would rebel

What are you even talking about

It's an Islamic state

But when the young Turks took power they mainly focused on non turks and not only Christians

Abdulhamid the second caused a bunch of massacres against armenians and assyrians

Agha petros bazi (an assyrian millitary officer) offered 2 things at the paris confrence 1919 which were for assyrians to resettle at the assyrian homeland and an independent assyria

But they were both rejected


Assyrians are no Arabs?

but the british betrayed their deal

We resisted the ottomans at tur abdin and ninevah plains

Also about ataturk

Myself i do like how he secularised turkey

But idk about other iraqis

I believe that religion shouldn't intervene in politics

Or influence the normal day of a citizen

It is someone's choice to be religious or not

I don't think communism is always bad

There are types of it

Socialism is fine

So is regulated capitalism

I don't think we should have 100% of capitalism or communism

What if we had good relations with them?

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