itsjustalpere ๐ŸŒฝ

Discord ID: 653315601195991060

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<:Eastern:646683039979798531> i

climate change always happened,no need to mess with mother natures work

go to tekirdaฤŸ with a train

can be happen while pandemic too

my mom would orefer cuba

your favorite food
๐Ÿ– kebab
๐Ÿ• pizza
๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡พ Food is finite,but assad is forever

fascist party will be better then AKP tbh

happy b day republican

computers are gay thanks to him

and yes if he didnt existed,enigma wouldnot be decoded

but idk what will happen if enigma wont be decoded

possibly germans will lose the war more late

but they will lose anyway

but computers like todays will happen more late

like it wont be like we using 486's in 2020

im going to tekirdag next friday

turkish city in thrace

but haves the industrial center of turkey

bruh most of 'industrial' areas in turkey are car repairs

wanna see the factories bruv

you gotta go to the trace

you visit kadฤฑkรถy?

its communist dream

like most people are letfists

visit kadฤฑkรถy one day

also theres a mall there

the metro/marmaray station is the nearest to my school

ya insanlarฤฑn evleri arabasฤฑ arazisi olsun

hayฤฑr develt vericek

mesela fabrika iรงin

kรผรงรผk bir kasaba kurmak iรงin

hayฤฑr iลŸletme kurmak isteyen alcak devletten araziyi

develt zaman vercek mesela 2 yฤฑl

o sรผre iรงinde รงalฤฑลŸmaya baลŸlฤฑyฤฑcak

sonra kontol edicek devlet

sen iลŸ yapabilirsin diyecek

ya ben tam sosyalist sisteme inanmฤฑyorum biraz kapitalizm karฤฑลŸฤฑtrฤฑlmalฤฑ

kendi iลŸletmeleri olmalฤฑ insanlarฤฑn

eZiLeN kEsฤฐm bla bla bla tam olarak nasฤฑl? herkeze iลŸ verirsek eลŸitlik olurmu?

tabiki herkezin iลŸ olmalฤฑ

iลŸsizlik 0.000000001 olsun diye

onu azaltฤฑcaฤŸฤฑz

iลŸsizlik,enflasyon hepsi azalฤฑcak

onu 0 yapamazsฤฑn

-1 nasฤฑl oluyor amk

ya ama daฤŸฤฑldฤฑktan sonra SSCB รงok kรถtรผ oldu

sosyalizm'den kapitalizme geรงiลŸ รงok aฤŸฤฑrdฤฑ

mesela kรผba'daki sistem รงok iyi diye biliyorum

well pride month

and i will be offline during that time(expect discord)

@Kerolos bruh thats possibly a hoax

also june there can be coup on turkey

well its actually showing some disgusting things lgbt did. like in CA they allowed 12 y.o s to be trans and they cant do nothing when their family force their boy to be daughter

same i mean no problem on being gay or anything

but you put the fact that you are gay to our necks is cringe

and gay people arent that opressed today

expect certain places

and trans people too

facts:trans/gay people arent opressed anymore

but people started to jack off to you know

> is south
@๐•ฎ๐–†๐–—๐–†๐–๐–Ž๐–†๐–’ bruh south is ofc better but they are slaving their own teens with contracts

you be gainin reputatลŸon doe ๐Ÿ˜ณ

otacore,eurobeat,modern rock and mostly mixed

my wrapped playlist(part one)

wanna see continue of it

but thats last year

its on japan,italy and UK for some reason

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