Eastern Mapping

Discord ID: 574274844040888320

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*Bosna Hersek*

ฤฐn turkish


*Serbia is Kosovo*

*Or Mongolia is Kosovo*


ฤฐn turkish

Ok i ma out

๐Ÿ—บ Hello where is Wonderland-Ankara?
ฤฐ can't use the Goohe Maps.



ฤฐt is so good but you can improve your grammar and warslides, you can make them more detailed

Comrade i am saying this to your Afoe

Let's hope a brigth future for _The Mapping International!_

And you can share your artworks such as CBs and Countryball speedarts here

Guess what will happen in episode 1!

@everyone Shall I upload Episode 1 of Domination Today?
<:revolt:628646791000227846> Yes!
โŒ No!

I will post the video Today around 4 hours later

I have the video on my phone but my computer is at my dad and my dad is busy.
Shall I upload it by phone?

Look at my name

Then rename yourself as ...

yes Engels!

For the International

Shall I upload it by phone?

I dont know if it could cause a problem

In quality

Hmm then I will make a announcement that I wont upload it now but maybe later today

oh lets see

@everyone COMRADES! I wont be able to upload the video now but maybe 1 or 2 hours later! Sorry for the ping. Stay tuned, for the Revolution

Ok lets add a rule that no capitalist can enter here

Oh thank you

lets watch the video now!

Bence windows movie maker indir o sorun รงฤฑkarmฤฑyor ben onu kullanฤฑyorum

Bence pc'ye geรง <:yeet:620282723336060954>

ลŸaka ลŸaka ama kesinlikle daha avantajlฤฑ

Ekin actually you can make the warslides more detailed

And also man you have to make your text more serious.

"OK" โŒ
"I agree, you are right." โœ…

and for the thumbnail you can download free plugins for Paint.Net there are some packs

And there is an effect called obejct align

Ok I am now Trotsky

I hope you enjoy it comrades!

Make a expedition then

Look at "Object Align"effects

@everyone Do you want to see speedarts in my channel?

Green is yes and Red is no*

Then there Will be 2 flag map speedarts video.

@everyone Do you believe in any major religion?
Yes, of course god exists-๐Ÿ•‹

Well, I am not sure- <:nou:620282984024768525>

I don't believe in any religion- <:hammerandsickle:628646120800649216>

I am ateist anyways ("YOU INFIDEL! ")

Really that's what they say

Look at our member count!

We have nearly 50 members

(Speed ups the propaganda +5%)

Soo I won't be able to upload Episode 2 of Domination for a while.

The reason is simple, I have many exams and my notes are pretty good for now but I will have to work more and there is another reason. My laptop is like a family computer except my sister (Thank god she has a computer) and my dad uses it a lot and will for a while. And also my computer's Ram were 12 gb and now there is a problem with one of them and it is now 4 gb. So it is so slow. But still I hope I can work on it and finish it by 3 days of my incoming (not that soon :/) holiday. And well while I was able to I changed the map a bit.

Well I atleast have 30 slides done

But 15 of it is text

And I will delete them

They are not qualified enough

Okay gtg to work!

Goodbye everyone

Okay I will post this and go!

We are getting close to 100 subs

Well I am now working on Episode 2! I am at the 24th frame and I will generally make this video as a warslide video. There will be minor text

A speedart video will probably come today!

No it will come today!

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