
Discord ID: 261128588831621121

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Can I get my server moron rank back

I enjoyed it

Do I get old guard?

I'm too retarded for the autism squad

Allow her in

Q anon chick with titties?

Hell yes

Can we allow that journalist editor guy back in lmao?

Fixed in an hour


Citizen arrest journos for being public nuisances

Ron paul had a fucking stroke

!rank <@&758768006238175292>

I'm talking to a chinese chick rn

Was born in china, adopted to America

You guys are retards

She has proven that she is for full federal government power

So in case of contested election and trump does shit, sue sides with him

She is the goal of trump's version of the Republican party, authoritarian.

You also just keep copy pasting literally the same argument, for the 3rd time

Why does Oregon have so many extremists

Left and right wing

Mommy milkers Amy blah blah milf

I have made up my mind

I officially am rooting for Armenia

@Vicious both sides are claiming the other side declared war first

But no one did

We need to move all or the old emojis over

I just want Armenia to win, not russia to mess with Georgia

This is a continuation of the Armenian genocide, which started in ww1

"Peace pls?" No shut up it's not feasible

Yeah I see biden when he sees a girl that's <12 years old


Trump would throw a nuke into the heart of Tehran if a general convinced him he could get 1 more vote

Why are we leaving the embassy

Using existing rules

Hate the rules not the player

How many corps pay their taxes in full? Literally like zero. Any person with a net worth of more then 50 million does this

Also this is precisely why trump didn't want his returns given for any "investigation"

Because people will just release whatever will look bad for him.

I guarantee they withheld good, net income years to make him look bad

Plus trump admits in the 90s he had rough years, it's in the intro to the appreciate, he was the "comeback guy" in the 2000s

Don't care

~~I will now go out of my way to friend this man~~


Having the top of the hill doesn't matter if you lose so much shit in the process

I almost thought you might write a strongly worded letter, almost got scared there, phew

I may be catholic, but if I had to choose another religion, I'd be orthodox

Anything involving nukes is a big deal

I'm homosexual

Why are you guys so retarded?

Why can't once it be internet connectivity issues or the fact that American infrastructure is shitty and just fails sometimes.

It's no Iranians

It's not Democrats

It's not Russians or chinks

Yes yes I'm sure, just like the last time there was a internet outage it was an "attack" never to be heard of again

I'm saying it isn't any sort of attack

But rather a failure of their own, presumably horribly outdated, systems.

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