
Discord ID: 729627325771153489

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I've used it for a couple of months now

Oh yes, I will do the questions, let me type

1. Ok above 13 2. Neutral 3. 4. I believe in economic liberty and freedom of speech. Some Keynesian policies and infrastructure projects are acceptable. I believe in these main things: economy, peace and freedom.

Sir, sorry to flood this chat but have I passed verification?

Libertarianism is the closest thing. I like small government, but one that can manage economic downfall. Less taxes on corporations. I'm socially conservative, with some leeway in terms of freedoms. I think freedom in religion, marriage, etc. is still acceptable, because I believe in maximising the autonomy and liberties of the individual. I'm a capitalist, of course, and I think minimal government policies on companies is essential. If you'd ask me specific questions I could expand, but I'm more of a centrist and I'm against extreme ideas from both the left and the right.

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