
Discord ID: 706189860402364496

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We need as many Gropyers as we can get for the op

so uhhhh

cool it with the antisemetic remarks

issa joke

he continues

blackpilled again

Bride kidnapping's back on the menu, boys!

Wow man

Leftists are truly the reel racists

I take back everything about Hispanic

He's getting them to turn on each other

The Reddit paragraphs are coming out

Wait a minute

We enter someone else's territory

We cause fighting and tension among them

We'll soon gain power and control in the server

Are we....


Truly a king

Hispanic is that black kid always instigating fights

Literally a few minutes before, "so you gonna let him reply to you like that, and you're not gonna do anything about it?"

"Wouldn't do that if it were me..."

Steer the convo to the new Floyd footage

Curious to see what they say

google it

It's just enforcing what the transcript said. READ THE TRANSCRIPT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I was replying to the other guy

You're the only one who mentioned the fact that there's different churches

You guys wanna get on and play something tonight?

play over at my house tonight. mom's making tendies.

I dunno. Whatever works. Sea of Thieves?

That's what it is.

I think that's how we get this server. We have to constantly put these guys against each other until they get fed up and leave.

I don't have the game, but I'm willing to buy it today.

Always been eyeing this game since it got announced at E3 in 2017, never had friends to group up with.

I think we need a bigger plan since we're not gonna all be on at the same time

Like a task or list of things to do passively, every day.

We won't become mods


groyper spotted

That's why I was so turned off from Christianity until a few years ago

I didn't really care since it was all the same bland message

The Evangelicals are worse

Faith without works is dead

Luther would've had a point if he said faith first, but faith alone is simply wrong.

Someone's gonna get kicked today

The new Groypers are making it obvious

They removed me mentioning the caliphates



I made him implode


Abandon it

Don't say anything

He's gonna do the work for us

Can I get an amen?

Someone @ him and post the image

Fuck it

I'm doing it



lmao based floyd

Fuck transracists all my homies hate transracists


I'm still cracking up about the knee thing

Ignoring the fact that Satanist groups actively take in children and abuse them

@Hiswaysofman stop the shitposting for now

im gonna go at it at night

thinking about streaming a movie night, then redpilling in the middle of the movie.


i'm the only one left

fug mane why you guys have to ruin it

I'm gonna record it


The trolling wouldn't have worked via text

You go into VC and start redpilling the masses

View for a view

I have beef with the idea of government mandated testing. Had a friend who constantly got harassed to stay at home because she went out to test since her family had it. She had negative results the entire time.

lmao i got these people mad

I got banned

I mentioned how great our best ally is

I recorded my entire convo with the femoid


The conservative


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