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real question is are there any tankies here doing the same to us?


the fag was me the whole time

Take the South-pill

i know you didn't just ask that

Depending on where you live, nobody will do anything.

Only thing I've seen here is a stoner kid holding a BLM sign on a street

mandatory shill for my YT

Only problem we have here is hurricanes, but that's not the entire state.

The economy here is great, gas is cheap, and you can decide how close/far you want to be to cities.

I saw a white girl


post hand

What to do if ethnically mixed

man i don't even know

i like brunettes

blonde is unattractive to me

gotta get me a frenchie

thnx for reminder

He's like a 4th gen or something like that

I'm gonna play some vidya with these leftoids

lets move to general boys

I'm going to accidentally say something I shouldn't on that server one day

Is it really this easy to get views on Tik Tok

I have no patience for these lefties anymore

Itโ€™s just larping and talking about weebshit

No substance, no culture.

I used to be in a sever with leftists when I was a kid. Itโ€™s the same thing where everyone bitches about what they donโ€™t have, and everyone has problems that they somehow canโ€™t deal with. I can feel the same energy when I posted my setup and the first thing anyone says is โ€œprivilegeโ€.

The wignats got tired of dealing with the leftists, so they left and I just sat there getting influenced by this bullshit. No wonder mental illness is so prevalent in these communities.

eternal white latino alliance

kami would like to know your location

@The Eternal Coloradoan the real redpills are kicking in

I literally can't stress this enough to everybody here: READ THE TRANSCRIPT.

He was panicking while he was moving to the car, the officers complied with him and told him that they would help peek the windows down so he could breathe.

The real question is why this stuff is all being released just now. Maybe they think the situation calmed, so everyone would forget about it, but why even make it public in the first place?

โฌ†๏ธ โฌ†๏ธ โฌ†๏ธ โฌ†๏ธ โฌ†๏ธ โฌ†๏ธ

are you serious

I usually filter out the word "leaked", missed that part.

And lefties are screeching that everyone is against them, willing to burn cities down and commit violence. wtf im a wignat now.

I have no sympathy for mainstream conservatives anymore. I remember my parents and neighbors talking down to me because I said that this was Floyd's fault. "muh police brutality he shouldn't have had the knee". Fuck anyone who's not apart of our movement.

If you really cared for the truth, you would make up for it, just like I made up for my life as a non-Christian when I finally converted a year ago. If you cared for the truth, you would make amends to it.

I mean these fags who go around in ghost masks and fedpost "wtf guys why aren't you taking the streets back by force"

I love the majority of black people, and want them to fix their own race and culture by themselves.


Of course

It's so disheartening because you see some of them realize that they're very incompatible with our way of life, and they fall for the shilling instead of doing something about it.

Likely the case

Where I fall out of this argument is that they already have their own cities. Do you really want to give them a country to do the same thing?

It's an easy solution, but I don't know if it's the best for everybody.

Yeah, that's what I'm responding to.

It'll destroy them. I don't know if that's best.

Another point

Do you really want an African country on the continent of North America?

It would become another threat

We'd have illegal black immigration, along with illegal mexican immigration.

What territory would you propose giving?

LA and Missouri?

It would warrant another border wall straight through the mainland of the country.

Florida would be isolated

I think I'm gonna have to take the blackpill on this one


saw that this morning

I'm still on there, but I'm fighting the urge to lash out.

Truly a real test of optics

We're not gonna be mods

I'm just trying to groom these leftoids into falling for me

As soon as I'm done testing, I'm gonna hit the gym and start posting my gains on that server.

It's a similar tactic of the guy who posted the real images of women on the transitioning subreddit

A mass seething

I assume this is the demographics of the server, since one guy already posted his pic.

The guy with the hank hill pfp


I'm gonna mog these kids

This server is my investment for the next few months. We will work our way around the masses, and once we finally have a grip, we make the call

domp eet

Undercover Groyper


There's no better feeling than the feeling of righteousness

Be glad it wasn't the other way around

why are you like this

Man I'm trying out here. It's mental gymnastics trying to defend this.

the redpill that got away

It's a statement that works for whoever reads it


kek who would've known i'd be content doing this

Hispanic pls

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