Right Wing Populism

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very close

I was doing some door knocking for a state rep candidate and the black guy that was with me gave me a pamphlet from Hillsdale college titled "Does diversity really unite us"

yea fire bomb democrat houses

thats his race ^




@Simon Scola u live in MA?



7 pm central 8 pm eastern standard time

when the only other guy from Massachusetts is a retard

imagine playing that when hoi exists

Also after midterms trump will start opening campaign offices see If you can volunteer or work for them making phone calls door knocking or anything

There's a good chance you will meet trump once or twice too If you do that

the sad thing is this guy might not win reelection

in 2016 trump flipped 4 Florida counties and in the primary today 3 out of 4 of those counties had a majority dem turn out (very slightly)

however in total the gop had over 100k more votes in the primary

so idk if it means something probably doesn't because primaries have lower turn out anyway but i thought it was interesting

He will win

Gillum is a far left progressive endorsed by Bernie

it also wont effect him at all he is basically already governor

the Cubans are gonna vote for him because of his last name and because the dem is a socialist and they are afraid of it

and the boomers will vote for him because they are boomers

and the panhandle will like always be solid red

Lol an ABC poll has Trump's approval at down 22 points

And they are blaming it on what Cohen said in their article

multiple polls came out this week and the week before showing Trump's numbers much higher then that but no it's totally not an outlier

If you're in Massachusetts the primary is today. Jay McMahon for attorney general and Geoff Diehl for Senate

https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/upshot/elections-polls.html out of the completeed polls we lead or are tied in all of them

besides 1

that we currently dont even have

and in that one we are winning every age group besides the old people

it will be close

if the dems get all the gop seats that are lean dem and solid dem on the real clear politics map

they need like 16 of the 41 gop toss up seats

but theres like 3 dems seats we could get 1 of them is very likly pa14 i think

199 GOP 204 Dems

well yea

threres still like 30 toss ups tho

Hello, I am in two parties one nation a political sim on Instagram. We run for office pass bills and campaign in the us government and some foreign nations like the UK. Check us out at @twoparties.onenation as our main account. If you want to join DM me at @Representative.amash I'm a republican but the democrats exist too. you can also DM me here on my discord.

Also I'm not a bot I'll prove it

2019-07-09 00:25:21 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  

a fella

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