Discord ID: 221328086606544896
20 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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The fuck did I sign up for?
autism goes in all boards
anyone here by chance knows how to use solid edge t10
Simple shit, I can handle most of it, but apparently I've been handling it like a goddamn ape.
My grammar doesn't need work, my motivations to write correctly do.
Anyhow, I've been mostly using it in 'sync' mode, and apparently there's something called 'traditional', that makes sketching easier, but all the information on Google is outdated compared to T10.
Do you know anything about that?
You're a meme.
Gib answers in form of memes then, shitlord.
How much does a personal army cost?
The blues and the trump-colored boards have been separated finally?
it's weird to see this separation of church and state of 4chan
it's because of ad friendly bullshit?
was sargon always right wing or just recently?
or he's full alt right at this point
he's been spouting some crazy shit and lying all over the place recently
like even the cucked left noticed
That's southern, penguin, different man all together
20 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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