
Discord ID: 697686939309965343

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1.Right-Libertarian /Conservative


Okay, thank you very much @KKKOOL.

Good grief that is a lot.

I made the Instagram account for the movement.

We need more Conservatives, Ancaps, Libertarians, and Classical Liberals to balance out the far right politics here.

@YES good to see another Right-Libertarian.

I am a Minarchist, you should be able to but some stuff like that.

Definitely tanks and the like.

True, we won't have a home any more with nukes.

All guns should be legal.

Chem and biological should be illegal.

Globalism is painful.

No I am a Minarchist, I am a Libertarian.

Minarchy means that I believe government should be restrained mainly to three basic functions. The courts, the police, and the military. The government (I believe) should be so weak that abuse is nearly impossible.

Big business and very small government, let the free market do the rest. As far as drugs, people have the right to make their own decisions. Even if they die because of it, they are born free and so they must remain free.

Weed is not addictive in most people.

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