cosmic sitcom

Discord ID: 687111136809582604

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>evola pfp

yo the walls actually being built?

Based Lol

now we just need to make christianity the state religion, stop throwing away money to israel, and we're set

wait whats optics

honestly i dont know if there will be a christian revival and white awakening

i kind of think we are deep into the end times

and we maybe should just focus on our own families and lives

i want to move out to the country when i grow up

and have a big family

and keep them away from the evils of the world

You should be christian

being white yea sure thats cool

being redpilled on jews ok cool great

without spirituality


rectums the type of nigga to be racist because of bad experiences with people of other races rather than just from noticing people groups are clearly different

i feel that ranger

i feel both of u

separate but equal gamer moment @Rectum Ranger

glad i escaped the pagans finally

their hearts in the right place, but....

Kek tfw wearing burzum shirt rn

mobile gang

let me spell it out for you

AF is the best thing currently for whitpeople

but you have to be christian

and you can also be black

bruh what

christians should basically be inherently bloomers

i talk to tons of pagans and atheists

being around any sort of fashy type of people

youre bound to run into odinists and whatnot

or order of nine angles

if you're unlucky

but there are lots of christians too

so why are



ur a leech homie

if not nick f

r u a varg guy

@Rectum Ranger have you watchrd thulean perspective


> anyone caught listening to non kanye / bryson gray rap music will be banned.
@Consigliere is this unironic

Bruh honestly i listen to some heeeatheny music man

Nick F is agnostic????

Id sure hope not

Ew catholicism

at least hes still christian tho

tgat was kinda gay

but whatever

why be mean

ive veen realizing lately

how i shouldnt be mean

really ever honestly

niggas be like "tradpilled"

(i took this photo with my ex at 14, im 16 now)

those were bad times

when i was like 13

farther back

when i was a super cringey preteen i was actually a commie Lmao

Then i was just a (regular) libertarian from like 12 to 13

But when i was 13 i got race redpilled and at 14 jew redpilled

so i became natsoc

but i was super super degenerate

I had this hig tiddy goth gf

and wed just do weird evil stuff and say niggers and kikes constantly

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