
Discord ID: 617572245308702732

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Checking In

Morning guys, how y'all doing?

Y'all eat breakfast yet? I need some ideas

Hey Zoomer, coming from somebody that's had that stuggle with depression and hopelessness, I can tell you that you did the right thing speaking to this chick's mother.

However, in the future - don't start being a supportive figure for someone with mental illnesses and just dip out of nowhere.

I take no advice from a man that prioritizes bacon over sausage

You are a weakling and a fool, eat some fuckin sausege

Bacon is like 90% tecture and 10% flavor unless your buying some real expensive shit. Sausage tho??? Fucking unreal, the greatest gift my Germanic heritage has given me

Germanic, not German

Bacon is for tit guys, sausage is for ass guys, sorry y'all got bad taste tho

nah bacon is pretty bomb tbh

Just not enough meat IMO, unless your frying up like a full pound of it

Damn right it is ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

I haven't had those

Bacon Donuts fucking slap tho


If I'm making like an egg sandwhich or something, I'll use patties

But I mostly stick with links, not those baby dick ones, but the ones that are bigger than hotdogs

Exactly, I splurge for my breakfast meats and got a pretty nice hookup for some Wisconsin Hickory smoked pork sausage

Shit is fucking delicious any time of day, heat that shit up with a nice chunk of some cheese and my girl's bread?? Unparalleled Euphoria

Nahh, I got clean from opiates a couple months ago so I'll just stick with the food LMAO

Holy shit congrats! I'm at around 7 months clean from Heroin myself

Just gotta kick my Kratom habit and I'll be completely free from that phase of my life

Florida homie, hbu?

Hell yeah nice

I'm originally from Iowa, and I'm trying to get back there now, but I've spent some time in MD and VA as well

It helps with getting clean, I'm just prone to substance dependancy

Just stick me with Florida for now, and I'll hit you up when I go to Iowa

Hell yeah man, congrats on your recovery, it's guys like you that keep me motivated to stay clean

"If this bacon-eating fuck can get clean, my superior sausage eating self can as well"

Imma be real, so far the people on this discord have been a lot more stomachable then the guys in the facebook pages

It's fucking working

Y'all wanna help me feed fake info to a reporter I've been fuckinf with?

Guy named Chris M. Works for the Huffington post

Way I see it, might as well take advantage of how fucked public perception is of our movement

Feed bad info, get articles written about shit that's got nothing to do with us, hopefully get people looking in the wrong places for us

I've got his cell :3

I don't think that's going to happen.

He would never paint us in a good light, he doesn't want to believe that we're decent people just trying to do what's right.

I told him I'm a leftist that used to be in the movement, but not anymore bc it's been flooded with Nazis. After I knew he was buying it, I told him I'd do him a favor and start doing some digging and infiltration if he vouches for me when i eventually get red flagged

I just parroted his articles back to him and he ate it the fuck up

Because it doesn't matter what's true, it matters what people think is true. Public opinion about the group has been formed, and once the public announces their perceptions of you, it's set in stone.

Way I see it, there's only two options for people that want to make a real difference.

Take advantage of public perception's inaccuracies, or seperate from the vilified movement.

Well I wouldn't have a reporter in my pocket it I didn't lie to him.

And you might not think he's credible, but I promise you there are millions who think he is.

The Covid crisis wasn't accused of being Nazis homie.

I may be wrong, but I can't think of a single movement accused of being nazis that has been able to change that perspective.

So what do you call this movement?

Or have you yet to decide on a name?

Because if we want to stand a chance, new players have to enter the field.

The Big B movement has it's limelight, and you wanna know what the public thinks of our community? They think we're alt-right extremists, they think we're Nazis, they think we're a bunch of dumb white motherfuckers throwing temper tantrums bc we can't get our hair cut or go to applebees.

You want to association with that perception? Be my fucking guest.

Because we aren't them. We're the new guys.

Guys, for real, stop spamming chat and hear me out

I can't answer 80 questions a second.

People love an underdog.

People LOVE a story about average men and women standing up and doing what's right.

Because of events that none of us have any control over, The Big B isn't seen as men and women standing up. It's seen as a bunch of psychos and retards building a fucking army, and that scares people. A lot of fucking people, so now, more than ever, people need a fucking hero.

And what better hero to right these wrongs, than a group of men and women taking a stand.

The Big B has it's public perception, and people are steadily becoming more and more hostile towards it.

So why waste time flying the flag of the Big B?

You've said yourself, you're the new player on the field.

You get a name, you get goals, you get a specific set of beliefs, and for the love of the gods you fucking organize.

I'm well fucking aware that you don't fly the Big B flag

Which is why you shouldn't give a shit what people think about that movement.

If you're going to do your own thing, do your own fucking thing.

And now, the American stage is set. Take fucking advantage of it, because I promise you our enemies are.

I didn't tell anyone that WE are Nazis.

I told him that THEY are flooded with Nazis.

Do you want to associate with the B or not? Y'all are kinda sending mixed messages here

If you don't give them a reason to associate you with the B, they won't.

You aren't a right-wing movement calling for a civil war. Your a bi-partisan grassroots organization that believes in the American Ideals of Freedom, Liberty, and empowering the American people.

So why focus on the FF?

What's more important, making sure that we pay homage to the FF, or making an actual fucking difference in the world?

You latch on to Right-Wing subcultures and buzzwords, you perpetuate their ideologies and dog whistles, allow for the extreme right to infiltrate your movements, and then throw a tantrum when the media vilifies you, but I'm the dumb ass.

Start speaking in a language these people understand. You said yourself that America has been conditioned to favor the left, so act like your on the fucking left and give yourself a fighting chance.

I'm literally just using Danvers words here homie lmao

Again, not your movement.

Are you Big B's or not?

The media doesn't know who you are

They don't give a shit about you, and have no opinions about you. They know the Big B.

So give them a reason to vilify you, and they will.

Give them a reason to think you're just a bunch of Nazis, and they will.

Am I talking to a fucking wall here or something? Jesus christ.

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