
Discord ID: 219990860127928320

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Is this too soupy?

Let's get votes. Does he go or does he stay. Thumbs up is yes thumbs up is no.

Yeah. I didnt like that.

Oh why did you come back.... now your making me have to do this.

Reason: Soup Boi

Absolutely no more politics in this server.

If you see it shut it down, if they wont stop kick. If they come back and do it again ban.

I know bud. I'm just officially making it a rule.

I was gone for 3 hours and shit got heated. Dont want infighting. That's the quickest way to eliminate it.

Here in the normal chat.

I am actually packing up my house as well.

Apparently I'm moving to Oklahoma

Nope. Because if someone like soup boi who was just in here gets ahold of someone promoting nazism in here guess what? Huffington Post makes another article about us moving and were fucked.

And I hate to be the one to say it but we are running out of easy tongues platforms like this.

Just leave it alone.

There wasn't ever supposed to be drama in this mother fucker.

I cant tell you guys the level of disappointment I'm feeling right now.

I can see mods are going to have to be made.

Drop the politics now.

Anyways, any Oklahoma bois in here?

What kind of state am I walking into

Hows is different from Texas.

Hm. I'm originally Deep East Texas so it sounds like it might feel like home.

Anyone know about their gun laws?

Hopefully people use armslist there. Ima need to start rebuilding my armory.

It's always just in case.

Why fuck Oklahoma? Technically Oklahoma would make the most strategic state to take.

Not the oil cap.

The Oil Storage of the U.S.

Kushing, OK has enough oil to run the world for 7 days.

And it's the center of all major pipelines.

The oil capital of the US right now is West Texas.

West Texas could easily power the entire world for years and years to come.

You lock them the fuck down and hold is hostage.

Also, military bases in Oklahoma.

Although I think Texas would be a better starting point.

More natural resources.

More bases.

Directly on the ocean.

More radical people willing to go to our movement for sure.

We have been waiting to pop off for years now.

Correct. My bad.

I'm not a good ole boy. I'm just some biker trash.

Biker trash with cowboy Morales lmao.

Texas is the only state with it's own power grid entirely.

If we took over Texas we could run completely self sufficiently.

I dont know about that.

Yeah, but Montanna is land locked.

We need to be able to freely trade and receive supplies.

And Houston has one of the biggest ports in the country.

Canada wouldnt suppirt

Oregon is near commiefornia.

Major cities are. And we can deal with the commies.

Fuck Betos bitch ass.

Once we took over outside the cities we would work inward on the major cities.

Give them a choice, bullet or leave.

In all reality though, the first thing taken over will be wherever they finally cross the line and cause outrage.

No. But we do it anyways.

A lot of people do. Open carry without a permit though.

Totally man. Texas is one of the more free state you can live I.

Where would yall say is the most free?

Lmao the fuck?! Dude no it's not.

There is so many other sides to Texas.

Let me ask you this have you ever even lived here?

How long and what part?

Yeah that's a shit hole.

Everything around Kileen is fucking god awful.

If you ever get the chance go around the Tyler, Longview, Midland, Odessa areas.

People are all anti government.

Yeah OK is, that's the only reason I'm okay with going there.

Going to go work on the house there on Friday or Saturday, be there for a week.

Guess I'll see what's up in person.

Yeah there is definitely some fucking cunts here.

I wont bullshit about that.

But the ones who arent are solid as fuck. Good decent people.

Just want to be left alone.

Around Tulsa.

I'm surprised he is still walking.

Normally people like that have "accidents" here.

Especially on the rigs here. No one likes that shit.

And in TDCJ they will kill you.

Hunting accidents are prevalent here.


Holy fuck were at 520

Another one.

Came in and when we talked about liberty he said "Liberty for who?"

Who can it beeee kockinggg at my doorrrrr ๐Ÿ‘€

ATF Open up! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

Fuckin soup bois

I'm not worried. They will come get me before yall.

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