Dark Matter

Discord ID: 232056364862668800

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dude fucking orientation week at my uni and theres the most stereotypical bunch handing out their little flyers for their "socialists club" took so much effort to not laugh in their faces. they were such a perfect parody of the college uneducated it was insane

Homosexuals even hate faggots

Bacon nigger

Who knows

Its thai, just like thai girls its looks one way then you lift up the skirt and its a whole other way

Also apparently its a hot take to say you kinda had it coming if you drowned swimming in an area marked out with double red flags

Theres always a n~~b~~igger fish

Chuckles in Australian

Bro hiddenlol shame that place is basically dead now

Well any website with atleast 1 funny post is better than plebbit

I have a bunch of old hiddenlol shit from a few years ago on my harddrive

Yea and normies

The fact that it had a facebook page brought a bunch of the wrong types of people

Did I shitpost too much that I got suspended for "hateful conduct"


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