HEN with a TIE

Discord ID: 323113607585857558

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just found out that one of the admins is salty af


those are just imgs i want the real stuff

the gud 2d shit

save what @Krow

@Krow just go on rule 34 websites if you want them so badly


who wants to hear a joke

U r mom

thats life

yes im a gamer

damn right


<:Ban:294260711557955584> <:Ban:294260711557955584>

im singel mt:bonesลพ




nah fame fuel on trap with a 7 and a half inch dick

its a trap but its part

@Mr.bones thats deep

haha thats what he said

@Marv have you ever read 177013

@Marv you want to read it?

or on nhentai


but 177013 is infamous can you give me the url number of offical sites

@Marv now you have to chose do you want me to send the offical link or the nhentai lkink

there is a alt ending where josuke fixes her up and has a kid

too late

yes its canon

shindol and araki said thats canon

anybody saying otherwise is lying

shhhhh dont question it

too late

already showed her 177013

thats what i did


hentai is art

me too

dont juul in scuul its not cuul

no its full of porn

no im not

boku no mfuck you

@sejyoo still looking for rare 6 digits


guys i fucked up


you're welcome


so I asked a girl out, but after a few days of thinking I don't really like her that much. What do I do?

@Francesco @uwu clone thank you very much now i know what i need to do

wait you arent kidding

59 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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