Dr. J Bright

Discord ID: 342029653034401793

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Itsa me that guy who spams chats with this<a:sonicdefault:535877054692982814> <a:spinningthink:393573062873710602> <a:spinningthink:393573062873710602> <a:spinningthink:393573062873710602>

Hey I said nice car

<a:boi:409499868881747968> <a:bootybootyrockingeverywhere:394368715518377985>


is the website .org or .me there are two


sacrifice your virginity to your dog

everybody does someone have a fast, untraceable poison

um asking for a friend

but what **IF** i want it to go in tru the mouth??

again asking for a friend


your wandering in the general chat, in the distance you see a memer and a roleplayer. you keep wandering and encounter a emoji spammer, he spams you to much and your mind cant handle the shear will power of the spammer. you died a horrible death .

i want to be yeeted to death

so can somebody yeet me to death

kpop is gay

dying is good for your health


peanutbutter hentai time

<:wank:292629695311380480> <:Cum:581394469790941194>



get yeet


I want a will to live

Does anyone have a will to live i can borrow?

25 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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