
Discord ID: 468501181497606145

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I fucked my sister and impregnated her

Damn right

Mamas next

Yea imma impregnate her to

What u mean I wouldnโ€™t be everyoneโ€™s daddy if not

I can send a dick pic

U know I never get why japenese porn has censored dicks when we can clearly see there snubbs

They donโ€™t censor nips but dicks tf

Also why donโ€™t male porn stars stfu

Will I get banned for sending a dick pic

Iโ€™m everyoneโ€™s daddy so yea

Alabama intensifies

How much southern is he

Heโ€™s over 9000!!!

One punch man season 2 gettin good

I wanna see Saitama fuck terrible tornado hehehehe *drools*

Yea then his name shall be one hump

Iโ€™m like 22 years old and Iโ€™m talking about Loli porn tf is wrong with meh

Follow the Trojan mans orders kids or ull end up like me

Who wants to see me thighs this shall suffice

I looked up Jesus and saw hitler

What do u call a girl who sells her body for pasta

A pastatute

Wait women have rights since when NANI

Me ๐Ÿฅด

I wanna rape u aww man

No itโ€™s fortnut

Ur right if u rape a girl make her cum so she canโ€™t call rape

Itโ€™s not rape if u enjoy it

The. Itโ€™s just plain sex cause u want it

Trust me ik what Iโ€™m saying

When it comes to rape ask ur daddy me

U donโ€™t ask a girl sheโ€™ll deny it

@์ œ๋‹ˆ(aj) u came from rape son

Oh the rape was on ur moms part


She did

She said she loved her brothers Dick

So made me happy

I met my sister in a mill

And I fucked her against her will

Her body dosnt lie

Why does hentai make it to weโ€™re japs have big dicks

I want hentai with a black man

If I hypothetically get a girl pregos what do I do

Why does hentai have japenese big dicks we all know there choads

Wow the loli section ainโ€™t got shit

@Heukail thatโ€™s my sex name water bender

If thatโ€™s ur sex name that gay as hell

Semen bender thatโ€™s sluts name not a dudes it makes u sound gay

Its not gay if u say no homo ok science

Something maybe offensive comeing up

I see black when Iโ€™m jacking off

Strange for a white man

Why my peepee so hard

Iโ€™ve fucked my children thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m everybodyโ€™s daddy

Ur my son / daughter to

Incest is ok deal with it sides my sisters a nice person

She makes the perfect mom for u kids

What is it my child / concubine

Nature yea!!

I suffer from big Dickites halp meh

Spoiler alert Deadpool kills hulk

Iโ€™d duck hulk in the ass cause Iโ€™m the dominant male

U have a problem with gay pro


Iโ€™ll pop it

I like to pop cherrys

Oh shit fbi

I didnโ€™t do nutn wrong officer

I just touched little kids nutn much

Noooo I wanted a. Tiny handjob

U know it hehehe

@Zombie u sound thicc with that name

When I molest children I mean give candy<:thots:292591799158046720>

Ik thatโ€™s why itโ€™s good

And I like it when yโ€™all call me daddy it feeds my power


I molested u though

I like 28 year olds

Yea I said it 20 of em at once

@Alt account prevails

I mean heโ€™s dead ainโ€™t he let em be

Thatโ€™s why I said let em be

Also if he makes fun of a dead guy it dosnt matter heโ€™s dead


Exactly right

If someone made fun of my dead parents I wouldnโ€™t give to fucks

Bet u r

@HeavyLoad u will bere my children

Wow u have a problem with gay people

Thatโ€™s messed up

Iโ€™d rather talk shit about a dead guy over gay people

Xbox is my left nut PlayStation is my right

Because pc isnโ€™t a brand dumb ass

Crackhead strength boi

Na thereโ€™s multiple religions

The god spelled with capital g is real one

I am a pedo

233 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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