
Discord ID: 262779838580916227

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Correction they say "mor"


Nani McDonald's nugs are supposed to just be a meat paste..

Can I get uhhhhhh... B0nless pozza

Mhmm jelly person

Gn somehow other time zone thinga

Hot koolaid

What if it was a Mac and cheese that would destroy the world? Then I guess someone would wanna stop them

Who doesn't

And you were rejected at every event ara

Haha you wouldn't be wrong I like staying home too much and actually came up with excuses to stay home from friends XD

Friends are squishy creatures

Basic rules yes

Just like any big server

I dunno just eat something cold boom

You're on the internet rn you could just look up simple ways to fix heart burn

I've never had tofu and think tofu is weird

Think hedgehog meant to say "revulting"

Most meats are heccin delecious wdym

I'm hungry cause all I've eaten today is a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast and it's fricken 4pm and I'm stuck where I am

Good thing I can hold my breath for 3 weeks at a time

Lol wut it's 4:14 for me but it's pm you love exactly opposite of the earth from me tony

In Russia rules break you

I don't work cause college hehe unemployed bois

Listen so I'm going to put a restraining order on cupcake bc I'm in fear of my peen

Personally I'm straight but like come on anyone can agree that 20$ is 20$ amirite


I own a genji sword from overwatch from when I used to play overwatch


If I rub my hands together really fast it sounds like faping


I was playing me some Minecraft the other day and dang they've added a crap ton of new stuff like the fudge is a pillager

This is true

Why are babies so loud..... And default


Lolllll pay repecs everyone knows what F means I'm the internet

He'll probably just make a new account and come back as squigga 2.0 or summ


I was going to see spiderman later but now the 5 pm showing is out of the picture cause I'm stuck at the driver's department ughhhhhhhh

The average PP size is actually 3.5 inches surprisingly look it up if you want proof

Well yeah, flaccid but excited it is 5 sorry should've said that

Oof don't panic people

*slowly pulls out uno reverse card* call me gay againnsee what happens

I've dreamt of courage the cowardly dog jumping on asteroids before...

The word "pregnant" is so weird to me

It's not creepy if you're a mod

Yeahhhh everyone here is a bit creepy bc we're in a hentai server

I've been here since hentai Haven got shut down I don't remember when that was tho

There's a lot of weird groups out there I won't name mainly cause I could offend someone

I have 21 power left in my phone oh no

Who here is a girl looking to *shuffles card* have a nice conversation about normal subjects

Dad has milk? I never saw him as much of a farmer though

Supposedly guys can excrete milk or "fatty liquids" from their nips if they are fat enough

I'm just saying what I've heard

Everything I say is Nothing confirmed factual

Anyway I'm gonna leave now I got things to do... Like.. like not look at what Marvin types in chat

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