
Discord ID: 374529788578103297

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2019-05-19 00:20:28 UTC [The Empire Did Nothing Wrong #general]  

I read the rules but what are lolis and the other?

2019-05-19 00:20:46 UTC [The Empire Did Nothing Wrong #general]  

Ah thanka

2019-05-19 00:20:53 UTC [The Empire Did Nothing Wrong #general]  

Thanks now i kow

2019-05-19 00:21:22 UTC [The Empire Did Nothing Wrong #general]  

I heard the word but never knew the definition till now thanks

2019-05-21 21:44:33 UTC [The Empire Did Nothing Wrong #general]  


2019-07-05 09:28:08 UTC [The Empire Did Nothing Wrong #general]  


2019-07-05 09:30:15 UTC [The Empire Did Nothing Wrong #general]  


7 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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