
Discord ID: 269132525480312832

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your pp ever just like...fall off?

pp can


i just pissed my pants....

*a for* abortion

bro i watch hentai with my dogs

sorry autocorrect

loli hentai isn't even bad

because people are confused between reality and fantasy

too late

women aren't real

prove me wrong

i think a female is a guy with no pp

aka trannies

you got a point

there's no such thing as a vagi-----

yup me

honestly just date me bro

youre a guy im a guy

bro i got you

i understand i will call you proper pronouns

dating = sexually frusturated

@nosh dm me bro i got you

real shit, i cant feel my legs



rush long door turn b

free csgo is filled with hackers

@Eldrin <:thatsrightkiddo:274752888901730305>

i am microsoft

doctor said there's nothing i can do about it

my dad owns an african

office = best map

inferno best map

cache shit map


you know what, agency is best map


oof well goodnight, love you all <:thatsrightkiddo:274752888901730305>


lemme commit suicide on your bed bro

like, i have 5 friends bro


tea errors

hey, uh ya'll know how to turn on a toaster?

hello <:nekogasm:262791717932105729>

hello everyone, lets be friends <:okbeta:594908538015449097>

@ur mom gae thank you, yours is super cuteee too



damn, im confused wtfffff



i droped my pp


ahhhh clones <:mikugasm:262791699011469312>

@erykka โ™ก <:TranceGirlWOW:581449262320320532>






oof goodnight ya'll


@Nะพ Cะณy its already 3:16 am here

hello people, i was unable to sleep








ha i got 5 irl friends <:mikugasm:262791699011469312>


<:salute:597431024263364661> F

love you

love me


Hello everyone :))) <:TranceGirlWOW:581449262320320532>

hello Tiny :)))

if women are property, then what about girls?

then where do women go?????

gay is just slang for homosexual guys <:smug3:299288528657973258>

does sand come out?

is it incest if the bible said everyone is brother and sister?

is it rape if both parties cry?

damn, thats a good waifu

@ur mom gae no homo, thanks qt <:thatsrightkiddo:274752888901730305>


@StarvinMarvin no homo, love you

gay=happy bro

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