. Mercury | Lewd Wolfy☆

Discord ID: 590339671230382082

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I'm going to ask tf is going on

I'm losing brain cells reading this chat

I enjoyed all isekai

But this chat has me questioning a lot

I'm only here for the hentai

~~It wouldn't effect me because I've tried my own cum before~~

Anyone like chocolate

What about thicc Choco girls


I'm getting stupider from this chat everyday

You can't gain lost brain cells


He gave me lucario hentai

I would be lying if I said I didn't like it tho

Damn straight

I need some more furry hentai

Good But disturbing question

I have a question

Is that Judar? @HJM

I feel that way sometimes lol so np

How are you though

Tired but good just woke up an hour ago to getting yelled at

I see it in your name

Lol do you like taking naps?

I wasn't talking to you but it's best if you do @Djonyx

I don't often do it but when I do it's a luxury

And no I'm not being a dick when you ignore someone and start talking to them when someone else is trying

It's disrespectful

But I'm sorry if I came off mean not my intentions

I feel as if they assumed my race

Everyone is equal despite roles or rules

Not commenting

What's in it for you

... why did it become an empty waste land so quick

I find that a pain and harder to use the Pp

Look all im saying is your dick is going to sting for a couple of days for being constantly stabbed by a needle for tattoos

When did you start talking about cheese

That's a lie most likely @Dio

Someone Ik from my school said they wouldn't drink water after they found out the process to it

They came back to school with a massive jug

Oh ya I'm in 5th grade

Good afternoon

I see can i guess your in an area near Minnesota

I have every time line at the moment

Or time difference

I was guessing your surroundings that's all

I smell nitro


I want a succubus gf

I'm scared for our countries future

Is there a slap the stupidity option

Is there like any time of the day where the chat is not being weird

Why is the server so aggressive

I need to know why we can not have a normal conversation in a normal chat

Don insult me

Lmao I'm not

Insults are just hateful comments that I could careless about

But it's annoying

Do you enjoy watching lmao

Super smash bros

Let's play smash

*loss of brain cells x4*

97 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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