Alexis Kusanari

Discord ID: 471320203620515840

80 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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@Xio would you like me to pull it out for you?

Stand perfectly still @Xio

Xio stand still ok

*grabs xio by the waist he can feel my breasts against his back*

No rp?

@Bluree Uhm I don't think so

@literally_logan Uhm what are you trying to ask me

@Gill your a girl correct

@Gill oh ok want to be friends then?

@Mom better?

How do I get roles here

@Bluree Uhm I have no money

@MinderJahrig why are you a boy with a girl pfp

Oh boy

The n word

@MinderJahrig are you what ppl call a trap?

Oh boy

So is basically everyone in here a boy who is a trap?

Um ok

I feel like I'm going to be gang banged


Don't gang bang me

My brother will kill you

If anyone tries anything sexual with me my brother will come on and kill them

Oh god

Too many boy's asking me to hold thier hands

Please one request at a time please

Oh gosh

@Puuungi sigh I'll send you mine

@Gill Uhm maybe later okay

@Puuungi you send my nude to nobody is that clear

@Puuungi I didn't catfishyyou

@Puuungi bisexual why

@Puuungi Uhm my brother made that Twitter for me

Well passed it down to me anyway

I haven't changed the info yet

@Puuungi I'll change the info on that Twitter sometime tonight


John's my brother's name

@Puuungi my brother makes yt vids for me hehe he's a good artist

@Puuungi and what's that


Ifdon't understand your question @Puuungi

@!โœžVincent โ—–โ—–โฌค / ฮป oh leave my brother's accounts out of it

@Colum are you a female?

@Colum mind dming me pls

@Haezzzzz ima dm you okay

@Colum should I eat a ham sandwich?

@Haezzzzz pls calm down

@Colum well I have pizza in my fridge too

@Colum yes me have pizza

Doth fuck

Sigh pique won't answer me

Me no wanna

Me love pique

@KarmaVibes_ why is your name like that are chu a girl

@KarmaVibes_ are youuuuuuuu

@DictatorJib um why Is your nickname retarded

@KarmaVibes_ oh I'll tickle you alright comer

@Down the Vtuber abyss I went one not cute two not handsome and three morning

@Akira you look yummy today btw may i eat you?

I'm needing food

@DictatorJib not if i eat you first

@~โ™กโ™คGlitchโ—‡โ™ง~ I'll take dem bรดobs if you don't mind

80 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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