
Discord ID: 179203665263984640

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At the end of the day...
Why is it so damn hard to find Yuri only?!

@Versailles No and there'd be no point. You don't sue to gain money, you sue to seek justice. Even if you win a case, you won't make all the money back. You'd still be in the red.


<@239768112570826753> Same

@Mr. Reaper Hello fellow Goobo ๐Ÿ˜‰


@ใ—ใ‚Šใกใ‚ƒใ‚“ Man says bad thing. Site down, site back up.

Without Fakku, there'd be no localized Honey Select. Fact!


Don't Johnny Test me

I'll say that without Fakku, HH wouldn't have stayed up long. Fakku didn't do it with kindness in their hearts, but the site stayed up.

<:Ban:294260711557955584> <:Ban:294260711557955584> <:Ban:294260711557955584>

Fakku vs. Papa sounds like a Filthy Frank video.

Mods, clean up the chat.

Can't read. I have dyslexia.


Paid subscription would never work. No one pays for porn/anime, so I don't see hentai working either.

@tharja I mean people watch porn frequently, but it's not something they go out of their way to pay for.

FUCKU played us like a C# piano key.

I think if we watched Hentai, Fat Albert is judging us all anyways.


If FUCKU went to court, both parties would likely get into trouble from copyright holders.

@tharja Not really, it's not like pornhub where there's a few users that upload original content. Most if not all of the content uploaded on HH isn't approved by the publishers.

Hentai Haven 3: Revenge of the Slit

Exactly, none of them approve the content to be on HH

Ban anyone who doesn't post Feet pictures ๐Ÿ‘ฃ

Someone DM @DarkeDemise a picture of a scene in the CGI Donkey Kong.

Send me a picture of your hands with Killer Queen smirking in the background.

Tell me ya name, ya postcode, ya mother's maiden name...

@rektraptors04 Yeah but you can't jerk off with it. It's like sandpaper.

Rest in peace PapaHH, died after pouring liquid butter on his bathroom floor.

He's Keanu, he can do it!!!

Someone tell me why there's a naked castrated homeless guy in Watchdogs 2.

It's some of the weirdest game design choices ever. A game about hacking and then you see a naked homeless guy with a Barbie Ken Bulge.

I'm not criticizing the Ken Bulge. I'm criticizing it in WatchDogs 2 of all games.

Hell yeah. She must've been horny.

Hey, show the whole squad, not just a member.

You know you can just show them now, or I'll have to just wait for the next fappening.

@Yeojin'sWaifu Send a picture of what's in your fridge then.

I'm a lesbian trapped in a straight guy's body.

But you do like to fuck assholes

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