Crafting Gogeta

Discord ID: 322797218975449098

33 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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Yeah me

The exp system of mee6?

Oh no

Ok, all you gotta do is write every minute and u get between 15 and 50 exp per message u wrote a min.

Thats it.

Np m8

Between 15 and 50 i think

With the command !rank you can see your level
(If u dunno)


With !rank @uproar

Lol im almost level one

Are there any girls in the server XD



Cristian server.

Im german.

Its random

Im german too

Einen wunderschรถnen guten Tag!
Sie mรผssen keine angst hatben, ich habe nichts gegen Juden.

33 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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