Shiggy Miggy

Discord ID: 329466872330321921

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I fucking love this emote

I wanna binge some anime


Thatโ€™s a bruh gamer moment


We praise the lord here no hentai here


This is our god

<a:congaconga:431453303335813120> <a:congaconga:431453303335813120> <a:congaconga:431453303335813120>

Praise jah


I miss x

I changed it like two days ago

So maybe some bullying

How bout now

The real X


Iโ€™m playing fighterz rn

Yeah i donโ€™t like that about discord

Child porn is just wrong

FBI please help

Give them the chair

The loli channel is actually the fbi watch list

James bond gets the British people

@addy18 half gay


Because itโ€™s weird

Cali is 18 yes

Anyone here like jojo?

Or am i gonna get murked

Jojo is good

I used to refuse but i gave it a shot and liked it a lot

Iโ€™m on part 5 rn

P4 is my current favorite part


Lisa lisa is hot af


@Jrodd jojo is good

Great days



Yes yeet your pork spear

I used to play yugioh all the time

Havenโ€™t played in years tho

What deck you run?


The last deck i used was timelords


Bro like fr

Iโ€™m not gonna sleep till like 3am

On my fighterz grind

I donโ€™t have e friends

Cause Iโ€™m shy online but not in person for some reason

I want a meaningful w

I met my perfect girl but she got a bf so that sucks

You right

Nah man i ainโ€™t like that

Well Iโ€™m gonna get off discord now and play some vidya then die or something


Yeah i donโ€™t like steam

Ewww light mode



It is I Jahlla

I can never die

Just nut lmao

I need to work out again to beat thanos



Gamer 100


Iโ€™m a pro phantom forces player so i have e-clout

Granted my competition is six year olds

Bubsy 3D > everything else





itโ€™s still cold outside

God please let the earth kill me

Itโ€™s cold in California rn but thatโ€™s cause it just rained


Prove it

Alien tiddy

How would alien tiddies look like <:thonk:277109333375057931>

damn he got murked

Donโ€™t say bad mustache man name

Or solicit titty picks


That too

If your level ainโ€™t 99 youโ€™re not a gamer

Ten sheckles

Literal gallons of blood

I barely use discord but Iโ€™m trying to meet more people so Iโ€™m talking in random servers

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